Page 27 of Cheating Death

Bunny’s eyes were bulging so wide, they could have rolled right out of her head. She watched the angels rip the demon out and then plunge it into the floor at their feet, presumably sending it back to where it had come from.

Seconds later, Dana took a deep, shuddering breath and looked around the room.

“Bunny?” she asked, reaching out to hold on to Bunny’s shoulder for support.

“Dana, are you okay?” Bunny asked, trying to peer into her colleague’s face.

“I think so…” she murmured, looking around. When she realized they were in a patient’s room, she frowned. “What are we doing in here?”

“You came in looking for that,” Bunny said, nodding at a random bedpan that was stored in the rack beneath Mr. Grisham’s bed. “I found you passed out in here when I came looking for you.”

“I don’t feel great,” Dana admitted, blinking heavily.

“I’ll bet,” Raph said sarcastically, earning himself a withering glare from Bunny.

“Come on, let’s get you back to the nurses’ station,” she suggested, wrapping her arm around Dana’s shoulders.

“We’ll get going,” Mike said, knowing full well Bunny couldn’t reply to him directly. “Hopefully we can track that other demon and get some more intel.”

“I could use a cup of tea,” Dana added, sounding weary.

“That sounds lovely,” Bunny said, using the words to serve as a reply to both Michael and Dana. Then, as an afterthought, she tacked on another instruction for good measure. “Come with me,” she said, looking past Dana to meet Death’s gaze, as she led her colleague from the room.

Speaking in double entendres was really starting to get old. And so was cleaning up demon goo.