Page 23 of Vito DeLuca

Chapter Thirteen



The sun crept through the blinds, waking me for the new day. I browsed the room, assessing my new surroundings. It would take some time to get used to waking up in this huge, bright bedroom. Floor-to-ceiling windows lined the walls, allowing sunrays to bathe the room. My eyes landed on Vito leaning against the wall, watching me.

“You sleep well?” he asked.

“Very good.” Last night had been the best sleep I had had in a very long time. I ran my hand over the irresistibly soft comforter. “Why are you standing over there? Have you been to sleep?”

“I couldn’t sleep, so I watched you sleep.”

“When do you sleep?”

“Usually at night, but I had some things to take care of last night.”

I let out a long yawn. “I’m sorry for disturbing your rest.”

“It’s fine. Knowing that you slept well is good enough for me.”

“Are you about to go to work?” I asked, observing his all-black business attire.

“I have meetings today, but I should be home by five.”

“I thought you said you worked in construction. You look like you’re about to go to a board meeting. Where do you work?”

He adjusted his tie. “I’m in the construction business. Part owner of IVCC Construction. Have you heard of us?”

Part owner. “No, but that’s cool you have your own business. When I look presentable again, I will start looking for work. I haven’t had a job in two years.”

He shrugged. “You can work when you’re ready. In the meantime, what is mine is yours. I will leave money here for you.”

A nervous flutter started in my chest. “Oh, no. I can’t accept your money. You are already giving me enough. Besides, I just left a situation where someone gave me money, but I had nothing for myself. I have to get back out there and start earning a living. I have to take care of myself. I can’t give anyone else the power to control me again. I hope you understand.”

Vito gave me a supportive nod. “I hear you. And I support you getting back to work as soon as possible, but you must give it some time so that Desi can be handled first.”

“I will give it some time, then. Besides, I think I can survive not working a little while longer.”

“Good. My security and your assistant will get you whatever you need for as long as you’re here. If you want chocolate from the store, send them out. If you want a pizza, send them out. If you want to shop for yourself, have them bring all the selections from the store to you. Under no circumstances are you to leave here alone,” Vito admonished.

I sat straight in the bed and pulled the cover over my chest. “I don’t know about this. I’m a guest, not a prisoner. I can come and go as I please.”

“We went over this last night, Nicole.”

“I know, but it just seems excessive. He didn’t follow me here, so he doesn’t know where I am. In this city, it would be a huge coincidence for us to show up at the same place at the same time, so I would be fine to go out alone.”

I had nowhere to go, so I didn’t understand why I argued to go out alone except for the dire need to regain my independence.

Vito’s voice boomed as he explained, “My rules are for your own safety. For your protection, you have to listen to me. There has to be order to the way things are done.”

I let out a loud exhale. “All of this for Desi. He’s not the boogeyman.”

“You’re right. He isn’t to me, but his actions had you running scared last night. You came to me for protection, and I’m giving it to you the way I know how.”

He was right. I needed him when I came to him. And I still needed him.

I huffed. “Fine. I’ll do it your way.”