Page 24 of Vito DeLuca

Vito smiled. “Good. I’ll see you when I get home from the office.”

He did an about-face and strolled out of the room. Moments later, I could hear the front door open and close. I rushed out of bed and scurried to the window to see his black Jeep leaving his long, winding driveway.

I searched the room for the clothes I wore when I arrived last night. They were nowhere in sight. I found a bundle of brand-new items on the dresser, all in my size, which meant Vito had shopped for me while I slept.

I slipped on the first outfit, a pink jogging suit, and rushed out of the room to the kitchen. I located my keys on the counter, turned around, and slammed into what felt like a million muscles.

“Going somewhere?” a gargantuan-sized man asked.

“What? Wait, who-who are you?”

“I’m Russell, your security. If you would like to go somewhere, I would be glad to take you.”

Damn. “I don’t need you to take me. I will drive myself.”

“Fine, then I will follow you.”

I stood my ground. “I said you don’t have to do that.”

He scowled. “Bosses orders that you don’t leave here alone. You are now under DeLuca protection, which means I will guard you with my life whether you like it or not.”

I sighed and dropped my keys in surrender. “I’ll just stay here.”

Caught red-handed trying to leave alone, I meandered back into the guest room and sat on the edge of the bed. I was stuck here, which shouldn’t have been a problem because I had nowhere to go.