Olivia had to school her facial expressions when they entered the parking garage. Luke was in the middle of an animated conversation with Gary when he stopped.
“What is wrong with my car?” he asked.
“I don’t see anything,” Tara said.
Olivia bit the side of her cheek to keep from laughing. “It’s still where you parked it, right?”
They got closer to the car and the entire group began to laugh.
“Were you feeling especially festive?” Gary asked.
Luke’s face was priceless as he walked in a slow circle around his car. “It looks like my secret Santa struck again. I’m not sure what this means though. Is Santa telling me I’ve been naughty?”
“Probably,” Gary said.
“Is there a note?” Tara asked.
Luke grabbed the note that Olivia had tucked under the windshield wipers.
For the boss who is all ears. Thanks for listening.
He looked back and forth from the car to the note a few times. Then he started to laugh. “I get it. All ears.”
“That’s clever,” Olivia said. She had spent a few minutes trying to come up with a better play on words, but simple was good. “Are you going to be okay driving like this or do we need to take my car?”
Luke’s car beeped as he unlocked the doors. “Climb in,” he said.
The second secret Santa gift had gone off without a hitch.
* * *
When Olivia cameinto work the following morning, her mouth gaped open. Sometime during the night Olivia’s windowsill had been transformed into a small winter wonderland. Handmade snowflakes were taped on the window pane and smaller snowflakes were spread across the ledge. A small stuffed cow was sitting in one corner, holding a small white puffball.
There was definitely a theme for Olivia’s secret Santa. If the cow was there, the chicken had to be not too far behind. Olivia found it tucked behind one of her plants, holding another puff ball. A small note was nestled under the chicken’s wing.
Olivia. Watch out for flying snow.
The note was kind of cryptic. Was her Santa going to pelt her with snowballs when she left the office? That didn’t sound fun. The last person to throw a snowball at her had been Luke. That had been fun though.
As Olivia sat at her desk, her eyes were drawn to the mug. In a strange way, all the gifts were reminding her of Luke. She shook her head. There was no way they would end up drawing each other's names. Not unless the drawing had a little help.
Olivia sent a quick text to Tara.Can you come to my office when you have a free moment?
Sure thing. Give me ten.
Olivia was ready when Tara showed up. She held out the note. “Do you think I need to be worried? Would my secret Santa really throw snowballs at me? I mean, it would give away who they are.”
Tara shook her head. “I don’t think he’d ever hurt you.”
“He? Do you know who has me?”
Tara shook her head. “I mean he, like Santa, is a man. The real Santa. Not yours, necessarily.”
“Got it. Thanks for putting my heart at ease.” Olivia watched Tara leave. As she did, Olivia caught her smirk. Tara was definitely hiding something.
Olivia had been suspicious when she drew Luke’s name, but she figured it was a crazy coincidence. She could be reading entirely too much into the gifts she had been given, but they weren’t just reminding her of Luke. They were reminding her of the day they met. The Frisky Cow Cafe. The chicken sandwich they shared. A snowball fight. Only Luke would know those details.
She walked to his office and rapped her knuckles on the door frame. Luke’s face lit up when he saw her. “What’s up?”