Page 46 of The Santa Swap

She started laughing and Luke came running. “Are you okay?”

Susan joined Luke at the doorway. “What’s so funny?”

Olivia held out the mugs. “I think there may be a theme with my secret Santa.”

“Farm animals?” Susan guessed.

“Something like that.” Olivia took the cocoa packets out of the chicken mug and set them to the side. Then she pulled out a handful of pens. “This is a perfect pen holder. It will make me laugh every time I see it.”

The rest of the morning dragged on for Olivia. She really wanted to see Luke’s reaction when he found his car, but she wasn’t sure how to arrange it. It was going to take another elf assist.

Tara was working in her office when Olivia approached her. “Can I get your help with something?” she asked.

Tara looked up from her computer. “Of course. What’s up?”

“I want help with something for my secret Santa, but then you’ll know who I have.”

“That’s okay. I can keep a secret.”

Olivia glanced out the door to make sure no one was walking by. Then she lowered her voice. “I have Luke.”

Tara nodded, her expression barely changing.

“Did you already know?” Olivia asked.

“I had it narrowed down to a few people. I mean, who else is creative enough to attach a Santa hat to a fish statue? I know most of the people doing the gift exchange, and they aren’t too into crafts.”

Olivia sank into the chair. “Does that mean Luke already knows, too?”

Tara shook her head. “I highly doubt it. He’s not the most observant of people.”

“Phew.” Olivia straightened up. “Well, my present today isn’t crafty at all. In fact, it’s kind of awful.”

Tara raised her eyebrows. “Are we going to need a company meeting to intervene? What did you do?”

Olivia laughed. “It’s not that bad.” She told Tara about her decorations, and together they came up with a plan.

A few minutes before lunch time, Tara came out of her office into the foyer. “If I have to look at my computer screen for one more minute, I’m going to scream. Does anyone want to go to lunch with me? I need human interaction for a minute.”

Gara walked to Tara’s side. “I’m in. Luke? Susan? Olivia? Who wants to get food?”

“No thanks,” Susan called. “I brought my lunch today.”

Olivia waited for Luke to answer. She didn’t want to go with Tara and Gary unless Luke went too. Otherwise, she’d miss his reaction to his gift.

“That sounds great,” Luke called. A minute later he was standing by the fish tank.

“Hey Olivia,” Tara called. “That leaves you. Are you coming?”

Olivia hesitated. “Okay. I probably need a break too. Do you want me to drive?”

She came out of her office to see three pairs of eyes staring at her.

“Uh, no offense, Miss California, but maybe one of us should drive.” Gary waved towards the general direction of the outside. “It’s been snowing all morning.”

“Right.” Olivia laughed. “Believe me. I’m not in any hurry to get behind the wheel.”

“I’ll drive,” Luke said. He went into his office to grab keys and Tara gave Olivia a small high five. The plan was working perfectly.