Trinity buried her face in her hands. “Oh my god, Grant. I’m not. I’m about to get married. Please.”

“You don’t want to get married and I will not let you marry such a worthless piece of shit. I won’t say it again, Princess.”

“If I scream, someone will come so fast and you’ll be dead.” She put her hands on her hips and I saw that sexy fire in her I saw the night I followed her home. The fire that made me fall in love with her.

“Trinity, I know you don’t want to marry Samuel.” I glanced at my watch. “We don’t have time for this shit.”

I pulled the gag and rope out of the pocket of my suit coat and hurried over to Trinity. She backed away from me, but with my long strides, I caught her before she could get too far.

Trinity squirmed against me, but my strength was no match for hers. I soon had her tied up tight with a gag tied around her face. I threw her over my shoulder in her floofy dress and snuck out of the church.

The lack of security surrounding the church was laughable for someone who was running for governor. Along with the shady shit I discovered Samuel and Zach dealt in, I would have expected armed guards every ten feet. In this case, it was okay; it only made my plans easier to execute.

As we pulled away from the church, I glanced over at Trinity. She had tears running down her face, but she was no longer struggling. I pulled off the gag. “I’m sorry to make you cry.”

“Where are we going?” I handed her a water, and she took it with both hands, taking a long drink.

“I have a cabin no one knows about a few hours away. We’re going to go there until this blows over.”

She snorted. “How will this blow over?”

I grinned at her. “Wait and see, Princess.”



“Can you please untie me?”

I leaned my head back on the headrest and closed my eyes. My life had taken the strangest turn in the last few days, starting with Samuel assaulting me and now Grant abducting me on my wedding day.

Truth be told, I was relieved that my wedding would not happen today, but I had a feeling this was just displaying the inevitable. Samuel didn’t like to lose, and he already seemed to have issues with Grant. When he found out he took me, I knew he would raise heaven and earth to get me back.

Not because he loved me. I don’t think Samuel knew how to love. It was because he hated losing. I was the ultimate prize - the virgin daughter of the next governor - maybe even the next president. I heard them all talking. My dad crushed it in the polls and there were already rumblings about running for president in a few years.

Samuel would kill Grant to get me back, of that I knew.

“I’m not going to untie you yet, Princess.”

A tear slipped from my cheek, and I wiped it away. I didn’t want him to see me break.

“Let me go, please, Grant. Before they come for you. You know Samuel will kill you,” I pleaded with him.

Grant shook his head. “No. I know none of this makes sense. I also know you don’t want to marry Samuel.”

“I don’t but that doesn’t mean I want to run away with you.” I sighed. “For once I wish the men in my life would let me make my own choices - make my own decisions. I’m tired of everyone thinking for me.”

“Trust me when I say this is for the best.”

Maybe Grant was right, but Samuel was also the devil I knew. Grant had his own reputation and my dad hired him because he was ruthless in politics and did the dirty work so no one else would have to. I could trade one devil for another.

We drove for another hour and I dozed off. I woke up, and we were parked at a wayside. Grant was finally undoing my hands.

“Don’t run, Princess. Or I’ll have to tie you up again. Maybe even spank you.” He winked at me and my pussy clenched. This man infuriated me but I couldn’t deny the way my body responded when he was around. He oozed sex and power and appealed to some primal part of me.

“I have no money, no phone. Where would I go?” I rolled my eyes at him.

“I don’t know. You’re pretty smart. Smarter than your dad and fiancé give you credit for. It’s too bad they don’t see that. But I guess that’s better for me.” He reached out and stroked my cheek. “I have big plans for you when we get to my cabin. I’m going to do things to you and make you feel things you’ve never felt before. I’ll show you what a real man is.”