The rehearsal was the longest night of my life. True to his word, Samuel didn’t leave my side. He continued to drink though, getting even drunker as the night went on. I prayed he’d get so drunk he’d pass out in the limo, forgetting about his earlier threats.

Grant continued to watch us silently and every time our eyes met, I looked away.

I eventually tore myself away from Samuel long enough to go to the bathroom alone. Every other trip he insisted on coming with me and waiting outside. Now he was too busy talking golf with his best man, he didn’t mind me slipping away.

When I got into the bathroom, I locked myself into a stall and sobbed. I heard the door open and tried to be quiet.

“Trinity, I saw you come in here. What’s going on?”

It was Grant.



Ididn’t know what the fuck was going on with Trinity tonight, but I didn’t like it. She was not okay but Samuel was in such a good mood; I wondered if he was high. He also was stuck to Trinity’s side like glue and this was the first chance I had to even get her alone.

“Trinity, I know you’re in there. You can pretend to be quiet all day but I’m not leaving until you talk to me. I’ll wait all day.”

I heard her sigh, and the door clicked as she unlocked it. When Trinity came walking out, it broke my heart. Her tear-stained face had make up running down it and her eyes were red and swollen from her crying.

I pulled her into me. “What’s going on? Did he hurt you?”

She hiccuped as tears threatened again. “In the limo on the way here…He put his hand up my dress.”

“Fuck!” I let her go and reached for the bathroom door. I was going to kill that son of a bitch.

“No!” Trinity cried out, lunging between me and the door. “Not here. I’m okay, Grant. Really.”

“That’s why you’re in the bathroom sobbing at your rehearsal dinner?” I crossed my arms over my chest and looked down at her. She looked so tiny and frail in this moment and I wanted to throw her over my shoulder. I wanted to whisk her away from this world she lived in and spend the rest of my life making her happy.

Trinity bit her lip. “It’s fine.”

“It’s not fine.” I pulled her back into me. “I have a plan. I want you to go along with whatever is happening in the next twenty-four hours. I promise to get you out of this mess.”

She pushed me away. “Grant, this is my life. Please, butt out. I beg you. My dad and Samuel aren’t good people and I don’t want you to get hurt.”

I shook my head. “Don’t worry about me, Princess. Now go. Promise me if he tries to hurt you, you’ll kill him.” I hated to let her go, but I had to in order to put my plans into motion.

There would be no wedding.

“I will,” Trinity answered quietly. “Now let me go.”

I stepped aside and let her leave. I heard Samuel’s voice outside the door and it took all that was in me not to go out there and beat him to a bloody pulp for laying a hand on Trinity.

I waited until I couldn’t hear them anymore and then another few minutes to be safe. I told one of my men to bring my car around. As much as I wanted to stay and make sure Trinity was safe, I knew myself. I had to leave before my emotions took over and I fucked up Samuel, ruining all the hard planning I’d been doing for the past few weeks.

I didn’t sleep that night, pacing my condo and hoping Trinity made it home without Samuel putting his hands on her again, or worse, putting his dick into her.

The next morning, I got out my Tesla and drove to the church the wedding was going to be happening at. From some digging the night before, I knew Trinity would be there getting ready. The wedding was in about two hours, so there weren’t many people there yet.

I kept some men on back up nearby in case I needed them, but if everything went according to plan, I would slip away unnoticed until I got far enough away.

I parked the car near a side door and went inside. I searched the church and finally found Trinity. She was alone, sitting in her white lace dress. She looked beautiful as always but with the dress was fancier than I imagined her tastes to be and she had on too much makeup. Samuel liked to treat her like a doll or a toy he could show off.

She looked up, shocked to see me. “Grant, what the fuck are you doing here? You have a knack for showing up in the strangest places. You better leave before Samuel finds you here.”

I stepped inside and closed the door, locking it behind me. “You’re coming with me, Princess.”