Page 122 of Forbidden Arrangement

“I always sleep naked, you know that.”

“Hmmph.”She rolled her eyes.“Please cover yourself with the sheets.”

“You don’t wanna see my sexy chest?”I wiggled my eyebrows at her and laughed at her disgusted face.I could feel myself relaxing as I stared at her.So she had been the reason why I’d been feeling so tense.

“Maybe get a sexy chest and then I might want to see it.”She stuck her tongue out at me and I watched as she pushed her dark hair away from her face.Her brown eyes gazed into the phone sleepily.

“How’s your mom doing?”I asked her softly.Elise’s mom, Sienna had recently gotten out of the hospital after she’d been hit by a cab and my entire family had been devastated by the accident.Sienna was my dad’s first girlfriend after my mom left and even though she and my dad had broken up; they’d stayed in contact.In fact, she’d been like a second mom to me and my three brothers: Sam, Sergio, and Santino.Elise and I had practically grown up together and had been best friends since we were kids.

“Much better.”She smiled.“She was saying she wants to have you all over for lunch next week.”

“Sounds yummy.”I licked my lips eagerly.Sienna was the best cook I knew and she loved cooking for a bunch of hungry men like me and my brothers.

“She wants me to invite Valentina, Gabriella and Ella as well.”She yawned slightly as she spoke.“How are Sam and Valentina doing?”

“Great.”I mumbled.“They’re looking for apartments to move into together.”

“That’s so sweet.I’m so glad they found each other.She’s just so sweet.”

“She’s a looker for sure.”I nodded.Valentina and my brother Sam were desperately in love and I was pretty confident that there would be a wedding and baby coming real soon.

“And have you heard from Patti recently?”Elise’s voice was soft as if she didn’t even want to ask the question.Patti was my estranged mom.She’d just gotten back to town and wanted to get back together with my dad and have a relationship with us boys.Frankly, I didn’t care either way, even though Sam was deadset against it.

“She messaged me the other night, but I haven’t read it yet.”

“So I’m not the only one you’ve been avoiding?”She shifted in her bed and her phone tilted slightly so that I could see down her body.My legs moved and her tishirt rode up and I realized she wasn’t wearing any shorts.I swallowed hard as I stared at her tan stomach and legs.It looked like she was wearing black panties and I wondered if it was a thong or not.

“I haven’t been avoiding you, Elise.You know that I have an important match coming up and you’ve been dating the enemy.”

“He’s not your enemy.”She sighed “Stop being so melodramatic.We’ve been on like four dates.”

“Have you kissed him?”

She pressed her lips together and shook her head.“Is this why you called me at three o’clock in the morning?”

“No...I was trying to jerk off, but wasn’t feeling it.”I laughed at the expression on her face.“What?I’m only being honest.”

“Stefano, I do not want to hear about you jerking off.”

“I didn’t even get hard.”I winked and turned onto my side.“I tried to look up some porn but it wasn’t doing it for me.”

“TMI, dude.”Elise sighed and leaned on her side as well.The movement pulled on her tishirt and made it tighter and I could tell that she wasn’t wearing a bra.I felt my cock stand to attention as my eyes noticed her nipples.I bit down on my lower lip and looked away for a few seconds.I wasn’t going to let myself grow hard thinking about Elise.I shouldn’t be having this reaction to my best friend.I knew it was because I hadn’t had sex in a few months.I really needed to take care of that.

“Sorry,” I laughed.“But you can only imagine how disappointed I was.”

“Why would I want to imagine that Stefano?”She shook her hair and her curls bounced in her face.I wanted to reach into the phone and brush them away from her cheek.

“Don’t you want to know everything about me?”I chuckled as she made a face.“Anyway, what is it you wanted to tell me?”

“Huh?”She sounded confused.“Oh my last text?”

“Yes, your last text said you needed to tell me something.”

“Oh,” She giggled.“I just wanted you to call me back.”

“Really Elise?”

“Really.”She grinned.“I knocked at your door several times and you didn’t answer.”