Page 123 of Forbidden Arrangement

“Must not have been home.”

“Uh huh.”She pressed her lips.“I came up in the morning and evening.”

“Stalker.”I laughed.Elise and I lived in the same building and oftentimes we dropped by each others places.I’d been angry with her the last couple of weeks, so I hadn’t answered the last couple of times she’d come.

“I heard your TV on the last time I went.”She glared at me.“I could hear you laughing.”

“My bad.”I shrugged.“What did you want to say that was so important?”

“Nothing.I just wanted to hang out.”

“Uh huh.”I rolled my eyes.“You wanna come up now?”

“Now?”Her eyes popped open.“I’m in bed, Stefano.”

“Then I can come down...”I grinned at her.“Unless you’re scared Bradley wouldn’t like it.”

“I don’t live my life by what Bradley likes.”She shook her head.“Though I think most guys would think it was weird that I slept in the same bed as my guy friend.”

“I’m your best friend and we’ve shared the bed for years.”

“And it’s weird.”

“Are you calling me weird?”I feigned hurt.“Well, thanks Elise.”

“Fine, you can come, but put some clothes on.”

“I wasn’t going to walk down the halls naked, no matter how many women would happy to see it.”

“Stefano, you’re so full of yourself.”She giggled and then yawned again.“Look, I’m close to sleep, if you’re coming over, then you need to get your ass out of here.”

“Coming, M’am.”I jumped out of the bed and heard her screaming.

“Stefano, I think I just saw your junk.”

“Oops,” I laughed.“Let me put on some clothes.I’ll be down in 5.”I hung up the phone, walked to my closet, grabbed a shirt and shorts and grabbed my keys.I headed out of my bedroom and realized that all was right in the world again.Elise and I were talking again.And even though, I’d been the one ignoring her, it had been hurting me.Elise was the person I went to everyday in my life.Without her to talk to and hang out with, I’d been feeling low; especially since Sam had gotten with Valentina.Sam and I used to spend a lot of time together and we still did on jobs, but now his personal time was taken up with his girlfriend.I wasn’t mad at him because I’d never seen him happier in my life.A part of me wondered if I should try and settle down, but I knew I didn’t have the time or the focus.All of my focus was on making it to the World Underground Fighting Championships in Vegas.If I made it and became a finalist, I’d win over a million dollars and I knew how badly my family needed that money.


Elise openedthe door in her tishirt and a pair of white socks and all I could do was laugh as I stared at her.“What’s so funny?”She blinked at me and attempted to pull down her top so that it covered her ass.I was disappointed to see that she wasn’t wearing a thong.

“Nothing.”I pulled her in for a quick hug and gave her a quick kiss on the cheek.“You look grumpy.”

“I was sleeping when you texted me.”She pulled away from me and headed towards her bedroom.“You woke me up.”

“You didn’t have to answer.”I followed behind her and tried not to stare at her long legs.We entered her bedroom and Elise jumped up onto her queen size bed and got under the sheets.I followed behind her and got into the other side and then leaned on my side to face her.She rolled over and leaned on her side to face me and smiled sweetly.

“I’m glad you’re not still mad at me.”She played with her curls and my stomach did a slight belly flop.

“Yeah, well.If you chose to date a loser, that’s on you.”I shrugged.I didn’t want to think about Bradley anymore.Elise shifted towards me on the bed and my eyes automatically shifted down towards her breasts.I could feel myself growing warm and blinked a few times to stop myself from growing anywhere else.

“He’s not a loser, Stefano.”She poked me in the chest and I just stared at her.

“Tell yourself that.”I reached down and pulled my shirt off and threw it onto the ground.“How hot is it in here?”

“Not that hot.”She shook her head.“Don’t you dare take your boxers off.”She warned me and I laughed.

“Scared to see my...”I winked at her and she rolled her eyes.