“I’m gonna kick his arse for dragging you here.”

“Feel free. Can I watch? There’s nothing I like more than watching soldiers bleed.”

“There is something wrong with you,” I mutter.

“Takes one to know one. So, what’s got you resorting to the distraction of school work? And the real answer this time. I’ve had my fill of bullshit this week.”

My lips part to comment on that, but she’s quicker than me.

“We’re not talking about my shit, we’re talking about yours.” She pins me with a look that stops me from arguing.

“Dad’s taking me off shift unless I pass this shit,” I say, knocking the book that’s hanging over the edge of the coffee table and flipping it over. I figure it’s the easiest of my issues to deal with right now. And if I’m lucky, she won’t see through my bullshit to know it’s the least of my problems after letting Calli believe I wasn’t interested in trying to fight for us.

“That explains a lot.”

“Yeah, because I’ll never fucking pass.”

“Shut the fuck up, D. You’re more capable than you give yourself credit for.”

Fuck my life, I’m fed up of people saying that.

“I guess we’ll find out how true that is when the results come out.”

“So you’re off the clock until the exams or until the results?”

“Fuck knows,” I say, falling back against the sofa and lifting my feet to the coffee table.

“You know what you need?”

“Nope, but something tells me that you’re going to point it out.”

“A night out.” She beams at me like it’s the best idea in the world.


“Hell yeah. All work and no play makes the devil a boring motherfucker. Plus, get a few drinks in you and you might actually man up and tell me the fucking truth about what’s really going on with you.”

“I’m not going out.”

“Okay, so just tell me then.” She grins annoyingly and just waits.

“You’re a pain in my arse, Isla Kallis.”

“But you love me anyway. Go get dressed. I’ve got a friend who’s playing an open mic night at Rick’s. It’ll be chill.”

“A night out with you is never chill, I.”

“And we’re never usually out trying to distract you from a broken heart, so apparently it’s the day for change.”

“I haven’t got a bro—”

“Lie to me again, D. I fucking dare you.”