Despite the ear defenders that Dad insisted I wear, the gunshots from either side of me still reverberate through my body as Nico and Dad fire shot after shot at the targets they set out.

I hold my gun up, exactly as I’d been taught.

They went right back to basics, and I let them. I mean, I could hardly tell them that Daemon had spent a good chunk of our time together doing the exact same thing. He was meant to be protecting me and nothing else.

I allowed them to think that everything I’d learned was because of them. And I was glad I did when both their chests puffed out with pride when I hit the target the first time.

It felt good, proving them wrong after all these years of being smothered by them, but mostly, it just hurt. Like everything seems to right now.

The girls helped yesterday. They stayed with me until late, finding any way they could to make me laugh despite not knowing I was dying inside.

Guilt ate at me for not telling them. But I figured, what was the point?

Daemon made his choice. He chose the Family, something that shouldn’t have really been a shock to me. The Family was Daemon’s entire life. It was foolish of me to think for even a second that I might have seriously rivalled that in any way.

Silence falls around us, and eyes turn my way.

‘What’s wrong?’ Dad asks, although I’m forced to lip-read it as his voice barely even rumbles through the ear defenders.

“Nothing,” I say, forcing my pain and regrets deep inside the box they should be locked up in and focusing on the task at hand.

Aiming, I wrap my finger around the trigger. My entire body jolts with the force of the shot when I finally fire.

The power, the control, the danger… fuck it’s a heady feeling. One I already know I could get very used to.

The first time when Stella snuck me out here while all the guys were on a job, I was hesitant. There was still a lingering part of the good, smothered little princess within me that wanted to follow the rules and expectations that had been demanded of me.

But the moment I wrapped my hand around the weapon and felt its weight, something just felt right.

Just like it does now, as I hit the target again and again until my clip runs empty.

“Holy shit, baby C. That was epic,” a familiar, impressed voice says from behind me the second I pull my ear defenders off.

I know exactly who that voice belongs to. But I can’t help the hope its recognition drags up in my body.

“Fuck, man. Did I miss a fight night or something?” Nico asks, making my heart jump into my throat.

If Alex is wearing the war wounds from a fight, then surely there’s only one person he’s got into it with.

Sucking in a deep breath and swallowing a little strength down with it, I spin around.

My chin damn near hits the floor as I take in his face. Guilt swirls around in my gut, achingly aware that I’m the reason for his pain.

“Alex,” I breathe, my gun falling limply at my side as I take a step toward him.

“I’m good, Cal. Wipe that concern off your face.”

“I bet the other guy looks worse, right, man?” Nico says lightly, reloading his gun, ready for another round.

“Obviously,” Alex scoffs, but he winces as his eyes hold mine, an apology washing through them.

Without any warning, the bang of Nico’s gun rips through me, forcing a little squeal of shock from my lips, and I curse myself for acting in the exact way they’ve seen me for the past seventeen years.

“You’ll need to swallow those noises if you want us to take you seriously, Sis.”

I grit my teeth and purse my lips as I bite back my response that will only result in us bickering. I don’t have the strength for that right now.