My chest heaves and my head spins as I stand there between the two of them, Daemon’s arms locked around my waist as if he thinks he needs to physically hold me back from his brother.

“You’re hard,” Daemon points out, and of course my eyes fucking drop.

“Oh my God, Daemon, that’s—”

“She touched it. What the fuck did you want it to do? Shrivel up into my body? Jesus.”

“You touched… I swear to God, I’m going to fucking—”

“Daemon, no,” I cry when he releases me and surges toward Alex, his fists curled and his shoulders set, ready to fight.

I manage to jump between them just in time.

My hands land on Daemon’s bare chest, and I stare up into his dark, haunted eyes.

“It’s okay,” I whisper. “I thought he was you. It was dark, and I panicked because I thought you were leaving. I had no idea he was here.”

As I talk, I watch him calm down. The fury that was swirling around him like a storm only seconds ago begins to fade, and as I slip my hands up to his face and brush my thumb across his bottom lip, his body begins to relax.

“You kissed him.” The emptiness of his voice shatters my heart.

“Because she thought I was you, dipshit,” Alex says, reminding me that he’s standing right behind me. “Anyway, surprise!” He pushes from the wall and pulls out a chair. “I thought it was about time I interrupted your sex fest.”

My eyes widen as I stare at his amused face.

“What? You really thought I didn’t know? Jesus. How stupid do you think I am? Fuck.”

Getting back to his feet again, he marches toward the fridge and yanks the door open, searching for something.

Daemon uses the moment of privacy to his advantage. His fingers grip my jaw and I’m pushed back against the wall.

His nostrils flare as he stares down at me, danger flickering through his eyes that makes my nipples pebble beneath his shirt and the muscles south of my waist clench. Reactions that I only now realise were missing when I kissed Alex. I knew the second our lips touched—hell, when I got in his personal space and he smelled different—that things weren’t right, but my panic at being left here took over my rational thinking and I acted on impulse.

Something I’m now wholeheartedly regretting.

The fridge closes, but I’m locked in Daemon’s stare and unable to look away.

A chair scrapes across the cold floor before Alex must sit down, but neither of us turns to look.

“What? You want me to pretend I’m asleep so you’ll kiss her? Fuck me, Bro. She turns you into a right pussy, you know that?”

Tension crackles between us as Alex’s words float off to nothing.

I start to think Daemon isn’t going to react, but then his hand drops from my jaw in favour of my throat and he uses his grip to drag me into his body, slamming his lips down on mine.

“That’s better. Nothing like live porn when you haven’t seen any action for weeks,” Alex mutters, but his words barely register as Daemon’s weight falls on me and I’m once again crushed against the wall. His hand slips from my waist, hiking my leg up around his hip, making me gasp when we connect.

He kisses me until I’m breathless, my body aching for more as his hard cock grinds right against my core.

“Fuck,” Daemon hisses, ripping his lips from mine and burying his face in the crook of my neck.

“Don’t stop on my account. It’s not like I haven’t listened to it all before.”

“You’re a motherfucker, A.”

“That was one time, man. And Calli doesn’t need to know about it.”

“Oh my God,” I breathe, barely able to believe I’ve found myself in the middle of this. “Excuse me, I need… a minute.”