Thankfully, Daemon releases me and allows me to slip from between him and the wall.

I keep my eyes on the floor as I rush out of the room, but despite not looking at him, his attention burns into my skin as I run for the hallway and hide around the corner.

“What the fuck are you doing?” Daemon barks, his voice vicious and leaving no room for bullshit.

“Missed you, man. Just wanted to make sure you both really were okay.” I can’t see them, but I can imagine Alex relaxing back in his seat, resting his ankle on one knee and shrugging like he literally gives no shits about turning up here in the dead of night and risking his life by sneaking in.

Leaning against the wall, I wait for Daemon’s response.

“How’d you know we were here?”

“I asked Mum if she knew where you’d fucked off to when you didn’t return to your flat last week. She said she didn’t,” Alex confesses in a rush to bail Gianna out of the shit. “But I knew she was lying. Then, when I saw Calli on that video call, I figured it out pretty fast.”

“Fuck’s sake,” Daemon mutters, his voice sounding closer.

“I gave you five days, man. You can’t be all that pissed. You’ve had plenty of time to act out all your dirty fantasies with your princess.” I can’t help but smile at the teasing lilt in Alex’s voice.

“What are you talking about?” Daemon grunts.

“Oh, fucking come off it, man. I know you. I see you. Your very first hard-on was for that girl out there and you know it.”

Daemon might have said similar words to me in the past about me being the only girl he’s ever seen, but hearing those words from Alex… hearing that his brother has known all this time… Well, it hits differently.

“Fuck off. At least I wasn’t rubbing one out over the housekeeper.“

“Dude, Helena was fucking banging and you know it.”

“She was old enough to be our grandmother,” Daemon shoots back, amusement starting to enter his tone.

“Nah, man. She might have had grey hair, but there was no way those perky tits belonged to a grandmother.”

“Fucking hell,” Daemon mutters.

“Anyway, back to the issue at hand.”

“There is no issue.”

“Bro, you’ve been fucking our innocent little Calli for months.” My eyes widen and my chin drops. “And the fact that Evan and Nico will want to put a bullet between your eyes when they find out is a fucking issue in my book.”

“I haven’t been fucking her for months,” Daemon argues.

Alex laughs. He actually fucking laughs.

Anger licks at my insides and I’m about to storm inside to put him right when he speaks again.

“You always underestimate me, man. Which is fucking hypocritical if you ask me, because you think everyone does it to you. You think I don’t know, that I don’t see things?”

“What are you talking about?” Daemon scoffs, clearly getting pissed off with his brother’s antics right alongside me.

“Oh, I don’t know, Batman. Why don’t you tell me?”

I’m standing in the doorway before I’ve even realised my legs have moved.

“You knew. All this time, you knew.”

Just as I suspected, he’s sitting there, giving no shits, as if this is a normal fucking conversation.

He nods. “I saw you dancing together. Made sure big bro was distracted by shoving a willing pussy in his direction.” I cringe at his words, but also, I can’t be anything but grateful. I just assumed that everyone was having too much fun and not paying us any attention that night. Clearly, I was wrong, and more than a little drunk.