“Gonna make the most brutal princess out of you yet, beautiful. Every motherfucker is gonna be terrified of you,” he promises, and I drop back to the table, handing myself over to him completely.

* * *

After we gave all the seagulls soaring above us a morning they probably won’t forget in a while, we headed inside to wash the sweat and sand off, although I can’t deny that that wasn’t before we continued our workout against the tiles, just like the night before.

I’m discovering that I have a whole new love for taking showers these days, and the view I’m blessed with in the form of Daemon’s body is only part of it.

He made us both a full English breakfast before he finally conceded to letting me help him study.

I figured that seeing as we had nowhere to go, he was going to have a hard time refusing my help, but to my surprise he was more than willing to accept it, as long as I did the session in my underwear. Something tells me that Alex’s taunting about naked studying has stuck in his mind. But while it might not be my usual choice, I’m powerless to refuse his request, especially when I know accepting my help is already pushing his limits.

So I stripped down to my underwear and he dragged me to sit between his thighs on the sofa, seeing as the sun had decided to slip behind a thick layer of cloud while we were losing ourselves in the shower.

Unsurprisingly, with the right encouragement, Daemon was more capable than he’s ever given himself credit for.

Yeah, he might struggle academically, but he’s nowhere near as useless or stupid as he thinks he is. He just needs to focus and be provided with the right inspiration… like the best blow job he’s ever received if he gets all the answers right.

I mean, it’s not really a hardship.And it’s certainly more fun than the study sessions I’ve had to cancel with Jerome this week.

By the time the sun began to sink once more, we curled up on the outside loungers in a tangle of limbs and just relaxed as the clouds moved across the sky and music drifted from inside the house.

It was heaven. And I never wanted it to end.

But, as much as I might pray that it won’t, the knowledge that we’re only on borrowed time in this little bit of paradise we’ve carved out for ourselves is never far from my mind.

At some point, it’s going to be safe to return, and I really don’t know how that is going to look.

Daemon has commented more than once about not being able to keep me, and while it rips my heart to shreds each time he says it, I’m not brave enough to broach the subject.

I know what I want. I want to fight for this. For us. For him.

But something tells me that he’s not going to agree, and it’s going to shred my heart to pieces to hear him say it. So I keep my words stuffed inside for now, because I want to enjoy this while we have it. The time for the harsh reality we’re going to face will come faster than I’m ready for, I have no doubt.

But for now, we can pretend.