Something startles me, and I wake with my heart racing and panic taking hold just like I have since the other morning when Daemon woke me by scaring the ever-loving shit out of me. But each time, there isn’t even a noise that drags me from my sleep. It’s just my subconscious trying to fuck with my head.

And each time it’s happened, he’s been right here beside me. Usually awake, watching me and totally chilled, making me instantly relax.

I roll over, searching for my personal bodyguard, but all I find is cold, empty sheets when I slide my hand over.

Opening my eyes, I blink against the darkness, looking around for clues as to where he is, but I find nothing. Well, not until there’s a voice somewhere down the hall.

Swinging my legs out of bed, I reach for Daemon’s shirt that was abandoned on the floor before we tumbled into bed naked together however many hours ago.

My body aches in the most delicious way from both our daily training sessions and our sexcapades afterward.

I’ve always been active, doing gymnastics and cheerleading, but Daemon’s workouts hit a little differently.

We’ve been here five days now, and I hate that every morning I wake, I can’t help but wonder if today is the day it all comes to an end.

Daemon’s been in touch with my dad a couple of times, and each time they talk, I’m just waiting for the news that we need to go home, but it hasn’t happened yet.

A part of me is desperate for it never to happen.

Fuck school. Fuck real life. We’ll just stay here and carve ourselves out a future where it’s just the two of us and no enemies who want to come between us.

But I know that’s not our reality.

We have to go back. Mostly so Daemon can smash his exams and reclaim the life he’s desperate for.

As much as his job terrifies me, I know it’s who he is.

I can see the fear in his eyes every time we talk about exams or the future, because he really believes that he’s going to have everything ripped away from him.

I’ve tried to tell him that Damien and Stefanos will change their mind. There’s no way they want to go through the next two years without Daemon on their team, but he’s convinced that they’re serious. That it’s pass these exams or nothing. And I won’t lie, I’m terrified of what will happen if he fails. There’s a darkness in Daemon that even I’ve not managed to unlock yet, but I worry that him failing will force him to fall head first into it.

Leaving the lights off, I head out of the room in search of my man.

There’s another noise that seems to come from the kitchen, so I head that way with only the light of the moon to guide me.

I find him dressed in black, crouched over a bag and rummaging inside, and my heart jumps into my throat that something might have happened, that he’s going to sneak out while I’m sleeping.

“What are you doing?” I ask, panic gnawing at me.

He jumps up in fright, but I’m faster than him. I rush forward, crashing into his chest with such force he stumbles back into the wall. Reaching up on my tiptoes, I slam my lips down on his, one hand fisting his shirt and holding him tight against me while the other drops lower in a pathetic attempt to convince him to stay.

His shock makes him hesitate for a beat, but the second my fingers brush his cock, his lips move against mine and he quickly hardens in my hand, a groan rumbling deep in his throat.

“Don’t leave me,” I beg into our kiss.

Suddenly, the room is illuminated around us, the spotlights from above burning into my eyes and making them water.

But before my brain has a chance to figure out what the fuck is going on, I’m dragged backward by my shirt and pinned to another hard body.

“What the—”

“What the fuck are you doing?” Daemon growls, the promise of imminent death oozing from each word as my eyes finally focus.

“Oh shit,” I gasp, staring at the owner of the body I just molested.

“Bro, I did nothing,” Alex says, holding his hands up in surrender.