“Is she okay?” she asked, squeezing me.

“She is, Sis. Thank fuck for that,” I said, holding her close. “She’s pregnant.”

Ainsley leaned back, a slow grin spreading on her face. “It’s about time.”

I scoffed. “That I got her pregnant? I only wanted to sleep with her. At first anyway.” And it made me sound like a dick, but I didn’t care. It was the truth. But now, I wouldn’t change it for anything.

“I’m glad you’re happy and I can’t wait to officially meet her,” Ainsley said softly.

“What happened after her run-in with him?” Cyrus asked, leaning against the wall opposite us.

“I knocked him around a bit and Corbin kicked him out. I haven’t seen or heard from him since and neither has Amber. Things are fucked up, C. I don’t know what’s going on. We went to the Hell’s Harlem Chapter in her hometown.” I pulled away from Ainsley. “I need a smoke.”

“We’ll go to the back.” Cyrus led me through the house and out to the backyard. “Tell me what happened.”

I explained everything. From meeting up with Tiny, to the run-ins with Will and how he wanted something but neither Amber nor I knew exactly what that was. Will was a problem, but it wasn’t going to stop me from being with her.

She loved me. I loved her. That was all that mattered.



“You’re pregnant.”

I jumped, finding Candace sitting on a stool on the other side of the bar. “Why do you say that?”

She laughed. “One, I’m not stupid. Two, your tits are huge. Three, you have a glow to you that’s absolutely beautiful. Four, you can wear loose fitting clothing, but I can still see that sexy little bump.”

“I didn’t want to make a big deal of it,” I told her, looking down at my stomach. It was like I woke up one morning and my bump was suddenly there.

“How far along are you?” Candace asked, reaching over the bar top and grabbed a glass.

“Just over four months,” I said, watching her pour herself a beer.

“Can I ask who the father is?”

“Sammy Butcher,” I said, bracing myself for her comments.

Candace’s eyes snapped to mine. “You’re kidding.”

“Nope.” I mentally patted myself on the back that I was able to get through to him when others had tried and failed.

“Wow.” Candace sat back on the stool and took a long sip of her beer. “I had no idea. I know he’s asked about you and was determined to meet you in the beginning but that was a long time ago. I just…wow.”

“It’s not that surprising.” I went back to cleaning the counter. “Is it?”

“Girl, you do realize what his role is within this chapter of Hell’s Harlem, don’t you? Add to the fact that most of the girls here tried getting into his bed and weren’t successful. But you did better than that, you’re having his fucking kid.”

“I know he’s a little rough around the edges and I’m actually having two of his kids and I also made him fall in love with me,” I added nonchalantly.

A hard laugh left her. “Exactly.” Her face fell. “Wait…what? Two of them? You’re having twins?”

I shrugged, a light laugh leaving me.

“Wow.” She shook her head.

“But what role does he have exactly?” It wasn’t like it ever came up in our conversations. Especially now, when most of our talks consisted of when he was going to move in with me and what color we wanted to paint the nursery.