“Not yet you don’t.”
She snorted which was sexy as hell. “Right. So smooth.”
“Come home with me.” It wasn’t a romantic approach, but I wanted to know what her legs felt like wrapped around me. I wanted to know how her mouth tasted, which was something I normally didn’t do. Kissing was too much. It opened up feelings I never wanted to explore, and it was usually one-sided. Keeping kissing off the table meant that women wouldn’t get attached but I found that I wanted this one to get attached. I wanted her to get attached and latch on. Fucking hard.
“And why the hell would I do that? I don’t even know your name.” The bite in her tone sent a shiver throughout every inch of me.
“Sammy.” I closed the distance between us, overcrowding her space.
She looked up at me with wide eyes.
“Now that you know my name, tell me yours.”
She licked her lips, the small move, although subtle, made my cock leak. “Amber,” she whispered.
“Thank you.” I leaned down to her ear. “Amber.”
As much as I didn’t want to, I walked away from her, but not before I noticed the shiver that trembled through her body. A body that would eventually be mine. No matter how long it took.
We had come a long way, Amber and I. Even though we never made what we were doing official, I could feel the walls we had up to protect ourselves, slowly crumbling away.
“I heard this woman was a stripper at Rouge,” Greyson said, cupping my nape and leading me back to the bar.
“She was but she stopped and only serves drinks and food now.” And if anyone mentioned how hot she looked naked, I would kill them.
“You know the guys have seen…”
My eyes snapped to Greyson’s. “Yeah, and if they say shit, I don’t give a flying fuck who they are, I’ll kill them, their families, and every single person they ever had an encounter with.”
A slow grin spread on Grey’s face. “You know, Cyrus may look more like your father but you, you act like him more.”
“I agree.” Eve handed us each a beer before sitting back on the stool by her husband. “Although your mom could handle her shit. She was a tough little thing.”
“Did you ever hear about how your parents finally started dating?” Greyson asked, pulling back a long swig from the bottle in his hand.
“Not much. Something about a rumor?” I didn’t like talking about our parents. That was Cyrus. He asked questions and every time he did, I would leave and go find some random woman to fuck the pain away. But now, I wanted to find Amber. Not even for sex. I just wanted us to hold each other and not say a single thing.
“I know you don’t like talking about them, trust me, I get it.” A dark shadow passed over Greyson’s face. “Your mom spread a rumor that she was sleeping with all the guys in our club. It wasn’t true but it got your dad’s attention. Your mom was a feisty thing and your dad loved it.”
Sounded like my mother was a brat and my father liked it. Guess I am more like my father than I thought.
“I had no idea.” And I didn’t. Whenever people brought up our parents, I never took it well. My brother on the other hand, wanted to know everything he could about them. Which I appreciated but we were both very different that way.
“Your mom wanted your dad’s attention and it worked.” Greyson chuckled. “I thought he was going to kill everyone in my fucking crew. He’s also the one who helped convince me to…” He looked at Eve.
She smiled at him, the love clearly there. Even though they had been together for years. None of that made the love they had for each other dwindle any less. No matter how much time had passed since they met.
“Your dad basically told me to get my head out of my ass.” Greyson looked at me then. “Do I have to do the same for you?”
My chest tightened. “Not anymore.” That familiar feeling of suddenly being backed into a corner, washed over me. I didn’t like it. Before either of them could say any more, I mumbled something about needing to get a workout in before leaving and made my way to the basement.
As soon as I was safely inside the home gym, I closed the door, and sank to the floor.
“So.” Mom placed a glass of wine on the table in front of me. “Tell me about this guy.”