“I’m heading out of town and needed to grab some things first. I also didn’t want to go to the apartment and figured I could grab my shit from here.” As soon as I said those words, I realized they would figure out that I hadn’t spent the night at the apartment.
“Is she good to you?” Greyson asked. Although most would say hewasgrumpy as hell and hated everyone but his wife and son, Jaron’s father was more than my brother and much more than I could ever ask for in an adoptive parent.
“She is,” I told him, figuring there was no point in denying the fact that there was someone.
“That’s good.” Greyson paused. I wasn’t sure what he was waiting for. Although he wasn’t a man of many words, he still said what was on his mind for the most part.
“What is it?” I asked, his silence making me itch.
“Cyrus said that you’ve been hung up on this woman for awhile,” Greyson answered.
“My brother needs to mind his own business.” I had meant the words to come out more as an insult but really, I appreciated that my brother worried about me.
“Sure. But it’s not just him your moods affect you know,” Greyson pointed out.
“I haven’t been that bad.” Had I?
They looked between each other.
“Why didn’t you say something?”
“We’ve tried, Sam.” Greyson came toward me. “Listen, I don’t give a shit about that. I’ve been known to be grumpy myself.”
Eve scoffed. “No. Not at all.”
He shot her a look that only made her laugh.
“Anyway.” Greyson met my gaze once again. “What I’m saying is that I get it. Before Eve came into my life, I was unhappy. And even when I met her, I tried fighting those feelings, but it didn’t last long. I don’t want that for you, and I didn’t want it for your brother either.”
“He’s happy now.” And he was and I loved my future sister in-law.
“He is, but are you?” Greyson asked gently.
“I don’t give a shit about me.” I never had. I had spent so many years focusing on easy pussy that when I met Amber, approached her, and she shot me down, it only made me want her even more. I knew it made me sound like a dick, but I had never been turned down before. It was refreshing.
The redhead quickly left the stage, averting her eyes and avoiding anyone who was looking at her. It made me wonder why she danced if she didn’t overly like it. Not that I knew if she did or not, but she definitely seemed uncomfortable about it.
Before I knew what I was doing, I was up and out of my seat. My name was called but I didn’t give a shit. I needed to find out this woman’s name. She had been announced as Red, but it wasn’t enough. I wanted to know her real name so I could moan it when I jerked off later.
“Sammy.” Candace Owens stepped in front of me before I could head down the hall that Red had gone. “You can’t go down there.”
“Yes, I can.” I went to push past her when she placed her hand on my chest.
“No, you can’t. Whatever you think you’re doing or are about to do, forget it. Red doesn’t want you. She doesn’t want anyone.”
“I’d like to hear her say that, Candace.” There had been a time where I could have had Candace at my feet. Even though she was married, their relationship was rocky at best. She went through most of us in the Hell’s Harlem crew. She had been bored, trying to get her husband’s attention and we just wanted pussy. It didn’t make any of us look good, but it was the truth. But now that I had Red in my mind’s eye, Candace did nothing for me.
“Finish that word, Candace,” I growled. “I dare you.” No one called me by my full first name. Samson was used by my late mother and that was it. No one else deserved to even think that name.
“I’m sorry but you—”
Before Candace could finish her sentence, a door down the hall opened. Red stepped out, fully clothed and absolutely breathtaking. She wore an oversized large black hoody, ripped jean shorts that showed off long, tanned, and toned legs. Her red hair was pulled back into a messy ponytail and her face was clear of that caked on makeup she wore earlier.
“Red,” I said, pushing past Candace.
Red met my gaze, frowning. “Do I know you?”