Price chuckled, crouching low. “So have I, Jaron. I’ve been meaning to avenge my son’s death.”

“You said he wasn’t your son,” I reminded him, lifting the gun higher.

His laugh deepened. “True. He wasn’t. But I did help raise him. So, he was my son in a way. Even though he was a pussy. Took after his mother that way. It doesn’t matter. I’m here. You’re here. Let’s get this shit done and over with.”

“No guns,” I told him, placing my pistol on the ground and kicking it away. “I want to feel it when you die.”

Price’s smile fell. He charged for me.

I didn’t move. I would. But not yet. When his body connected with mine, we went down in a pile of limbs. He got one punch in before I had him on his back.

Straddling his chest, I grabbed the collar of his jacket. “Killing you would be too easy. You should rot in prison like you tried making me do.”

Price didn’t even bother struggling. He only laughed, peering up at me. “It doesn’t matter. I have nothing left.”

“You have power and money. Isn’t that what you’ve always wanted? This whole damn time?” It was almost like he was just giving up.

“Like I said, it doesn’t matter.”

“No.” I lifted off of him. “You’re going to fight me. I’m done having to worry about Piper looking over her shoulder. I’m sick of this shit. You either fight me or I’ll give you to Sammy.”

“And what’s he going to do?” Price pushed to his feet, brushing the dirt off his knees. “He’s too focused on his little family. But I wonder if he knows how Amber and I know each other.” Price ran two fingers along his mouth. “I still remember how she felt. I remember how she choked on her blood when I was balls deep inside of her—”

A hard yell left me as I charged for him. My fists landed against his face. We fell to the ground once again. He tried blocking me, but my rage controlled my actions. It was like I was looking down on myself, watching me take the life Price never deserved in the first place.

His laughter rang out, proving just how sick and twisted he truly was. “Hit me harder, Jaron. Come on you fucking bastard. Hitme.”

His words pissed me off but what made me even angrier was that he wouldn’t fight me back.

“Brody was more of a man than you could ever be,” I told Price.

The laughter stopped, his dark eyes turning cold.

Before I knew what was happening, I was on my back.

“I wonder if Piper thinks of me when you’re inside her,” he growled, spittle landing on my face.

“Why would she?” It took all of my strength, but I was able to shove him off of me and take a step back to collect my bearings. “She only thinks of her man. Her only man.”

Price ran toward me, snarling and snapping like a fucking dog. Looked like I hit a nerve.

When he was close enough, I geared a fist back and lifted it with all of my strength. I poured all of the rage, the fear, the pain both Piper and I had felt over the years, and channeled those emotions into that punch. When my fist connected with his nose in a smooth uppercut, his body flew back.

When he landed on the ground, he was unmoving. I rushed to him and looked around the vast room, expecting his men to come and surround us. But when it remained just me and Price, I knelt by his still body.

His eyes were open. His chest rose and fell, a gurgled sound leaving him with every breath. He was choking on his blood just like he made Amber do.

“I hope you rot in hell,” I told him.

“I…hope…you…join…me,” he said between ragged breaths.

“I’ve already been there. There’s nothing worse than you taking my daughter. But never again, Price. You won’t hurt anyone else.” Before he could get anymore words in, I pinched his nose and covered his mouth.

He struggled under me, gasping for the breath that I wouldn’t let him take. He deserved pain and suffering but I didn’t have a lot of time. As much as I would have loved to see Sammy rip him apart, I needed to do this on my own.

Price Davies had hurt both of our girls in very different ways.

Once he was unblinking and still, the life no longer inside of him, I released him and wiped my blood coated hands on my jeans. Opening and closing my fist that had connected with his face, I waited for the tinge of regret. My knuckles throbbed but other than that, I didn’t feel anything. No pain. No remorse. Nothing for the man who died by my hands.