“Jaron, there you are.”
I turned as Tiny came toward me with a few of his guys following behind him. Instead of answering, I looked back down at Price’s still body. A part of me wished that he would jump up and let me take his life all over again. But he didn’t and I couldn’t. So instead, I walked away from his body and sent up a silent prayer and thanked whoever decided to listen that I finally killed the man who had tried taking everything from me.
I knew that Sammywas out for blood. I got it. I did. But something had already happened to me. That was enough because I wasn’t sure what exactly Will did to my inner thigh, but he carved something into it. My mind wracked with what it could be but at the same time, a part of me didn’t want to know either.
Hugging Sammy’s leather cut around my shoulders, I breathed in the scent of him.
He caught the movement, looking down at me over his shoulder. Something flashed in his brown eyes. Something dark, something sinister, something I needed and craved. Something we would explore later. But he was right. Right now, we needed to find Will or else this would never end.
I tried not looking around us, but it couldn’t be helped. There were bodies. Everywhere.
“Is this who you’re looking for?”
I turned at the question coming from behind me.
One of the guys in Tiny’s crew was holding Will by the scruff of his neck. He shoved him forward, making him almost trip over his feet.
“How did you find him?” I asked, my voice shaking and not as strong as I wished it was.
Will glanced my way, a slow grin spreading on his face. I didn’t like that he scared me or how much he enjoyed it.
“We found him lurking around the back. He was on the phone with someone, asking for a ride or some shit,” Tiny explained, coming toward us.
Sammy grabbed Will and threw him up against the wall. “Did you have fun causing all of this chaos? So many men died because of you.”
Will only chuckled.
“Did you have fun messing with my girl?” Sam bit out through clenched teeth.
The laughter leaving Will was evil and vile. “Just wait until you see what I carved into her skin.”
White hot rage coursed through me. I took a step forward when a hand landed on my shoulder. I looked up, finding Cyrus beside me. He didn’t say anything as he slipped a gun into my hand.
I was thankful for that single act of kindness, since Will had taken the pistol Sammy had originally given me.
Sammy pulled his arm back, landing his fist into Will’s stomach but that move only seemed to make him laugh harder.
“You’re a sick son of a bitch,” Sammy threw at him, pulling him back to his feet.
“You obviously haven’t seen what’s on her thigh or else I wouldn’t still be alive.” Will looked my way. “Did you show him? Did you let him see how I carved my—”
A gunshot boomed through the air, making me jump. Will’s eyes widened, blood sputtering from his lips.
Sammy released him, letting his body slide down the wall.
Will cupped the side of his neck, red liquid seeping from between his fingers.
I stared at him as he slowly died in front of me. I noticed then how my hands were lifted with a gun aimed right at Will. I pulled the trigger. I didn’t even remember doing so.
Sammy came up to me, wrapping his arm around my waist and whispering soothing words in my ear as he took the gun from my shaking hand. He handed the pistol off to whoever was standing beside me. Maybe it was still Cyrus. I couldn’t be sure. All I could focus on was seeing Will now sitting on the floor, his eyes vacant of all life.
“I didn’t want him to finish his sentence,” I heard myself say. My voice sounded far away, like I was hearing myself through a tunnel.
A deep voice barked instructions, but I couldn’t help but watch the scene unfold before me. Will was gone. It was over. All of it was over. Finally. After all of this time.
I was lifted off my feet, my body wrapped in heavy arms as I was carried away from the mass carnage.