Me: On my way.

I was thankful to hang out with my best friends. It had been awhile and maybe they could reassure me that I wasn’t making a stupid decision for wanting to explore this further with Vince.

When I pulled up to Luna’s place, I turned off the car and left the vehicle. As soon as I started walking up the steps, the front door opened.

“It’s about time you show up,” Luna teased.

I laughed, giving her a hug. “How’s it going?”

“Good.” She grinned. “I have wine. Benjamin’s with Zach’s parents and Zach’s in the city. So, it’s just us.”

“I’ve been itching for a girls’ night.” I closed the door behind me and kicked off my shoes. “Is Piper here?”

Luna’s face fell. “No.”

“Oh.” My stomach sunk. “I hope her and Jaron can work things out,” I said, following Luna into the living room.

“I’m sure they will.” Luna sat on the couch and poured a glass of wine before handing it to me.

“Hey,” Meadow greeted, coming from the hall. “You got here fast.”

“I was at the center. I am so glad you girls decided to do this tonight.” I took a sip of the wine and let out a soft sigh.

“That bad?” Meadow laughed.

“What’s going on?” Luna took a sip of her own wine, staring at me over the rim of her glass.

“I…Alright. I’m just going to come out and say it.” I took a deep breath. “I don’t know what to do about Vince and it’s weird because I want him. God, I want him so much. But what I feel for him is so damn intense, I can’t control it. I dream about him constantly. It’s like he’s taken up residence in my head and it’s fucking with me.” I was met with two pairs of eyes staring back at me. “What?”

Meadow and Luna looked at each other.

“Girl,” Luna laughed lightly. “You’re in love with my brother.”

“No. I…” Even trying to deny it, left a sour taste in my mouth. Truth was, I had been in love with Vince for as long as I could remember. I wasn’t sure if he felt the same way. Sure, he liked me, that much was clear, but I didn’t know how deep those feelings went.

“You are.” Luna tilted her wine glass toward me. “I’ve seen the way you two look at each other anyway.” She grinned. “And besides, you’re way better than those other girls he’s dated.”

My stomach twisted. I didn’t know what Vince’s deal was with the other women, but I didn’t like it. The thought of him touching someone else forced bile to my throat. Just the idea of him even giving another woman one of his famous smiles, made me want to cut a bitch.

“He never actually dated them,” Meadow said, correcting Luna. “They tried. I remember seeing him at the damn grocery store and women went up to him. They were trying to get him to help them buy the right kind of melon.” She rolled her eyes. “It was weird.”

“Maybe he didn’t actually date them, but they still definitely wanted to date him.” Luna waved her hand in front of her face. “It doesn’t matter. What does matter is I just saw that look on Gigi’s face. She’s jealous.”

“Wouldn’t you be jealous if you found out Zach…” Meadow’s word trailed off. “Never mind.”

Luna scowled. “Yes, I know he’s had so many more women before me.” She rolled her eyes. “But that’s in the past.” She looked at me. “Anyway. What I’m trying to say is, Vince didn’t date those women. Whatever you’ve heard, it never happened.”

I frowned. “But you just said—”

“Ignore her.” Meadow sat forward. “He’s never touched anyone besides you.”

“How do you know he’s touched me?” I asked, taking another sip of wine.

A look passed between Meadow and Luna.

“Your car was pretty fogged up during his eighteenth birthday party.” Meadow waggled her eyebrows.

“Oh God.” I slapped my forehead, a bubble of laughter leaving me. “You saw us?”