“No but you just confirmed my suspicions.” Meadow winked.

I threw a pillow at her.

We all laughed.

“Well, all I know is, I look forward to having you as my sister in-law.” Luna’s smile widened.

“Now we’re talking about marriage?” Just the thought of being married to Vince, did something funny to me but it was a thought I could get used to.

While the girls talked, I continued to drink and stew over their words. Maybe I should just talk to Vince and find out exactly what it was that he wanted with me. Besides sex. He said that we were meant to be together. One thing that I did know, the night of his twenty-first birthday party, he would be mine again.



My party needed to come faster because I was itching for another taste of Gigi. To feel her sweet body rippling over me as I gave us both what we wanted. What we needed. What we craved.

As I was about to turn down my street, my phone rang. I pressed answer on the steering wheel. “Hello?”

“Hey, Vince.”

I frowned. “Meadow?”

She laughed lightly. “Yeah…uh…listen. Can you come grab Gigi? We had a girls’ night tonight at Luna’s and my sister had a little too much wine and can’t drive.”

“I’m on my way.” I disconnected the call and turned the car around without even hesitating.

Twenty minutes later, I was standing at Luna’s door. Before I could knock, it swung open.

Gigi had an arm wrapped around Luna’s shoulders. “I think I had too much wine,” she slurred, pinching the bridge of her nose.

Luna laughed. “Yeah, you did but that’s okay.”

“I’m going to feel like shit tomorrow.” Gigi sighed, swaying on her feet.

“Probably.” I chuckled, pulling her from Luna. “Let’s get you home.”

“Thank you,” Luna said, giving her a hug. “Take care of her,” she told me.

“Always.” With my arm wrapped around Gigi’s shoulders, I led her to my car. Or rather, it was more like dragging her. “How much did you drink?”

“Two bottles. I think. I started off with white and then red. The red is kicking my ass. By the time I was done the first bottle, I forgot I drove here.” She sighed, leaning into me. “Thank you.”

“No need to thank me, Queenie.” I kissed her temple. “I’ll be sure to get your car home.”

Once we reached my car, I opened the passenger side door and helped her into the vehicle. Doing up her seat belt, I tried hard not to think about how close we were again. Or the fact that she was brushing her finger along my jaw. Did she just spread her legs?

My throat went dry. “Gigi.”

She giggled. “You’re handsome, handsome.”

I chuckled. “Andyouare drunk.”

“Maybe.” She sighed. “Are you taking me home?”

“I am.”

“I don’t want to go home,” she murmured more to herself than to me.