
My head whipped around, finding a woman in a suit looking at me with sympathy. I didn’t need fucking sympathy. I needed to find out who shot my girl. “I need to go with her.”

“I’m Detective Baldwin.” She stuck her hand out. “But you can call me Jessica.”

“Vince.” I returned the handshake because my parents raised me to be polite but as soon as I pulled my hand back, I turned and headed in the direction that the EMS workers took Gigi.

“I’m sorry, Vince. But you can’t go with them.”

“Why the fuck not?” I demanded, my voice raising.

“I need to ask you some questions, but I promise you that a police officer is going with your girlfriend and will be in the back of the ambulance with her for her protection.” Jessica gave me a small smile. “Let’s sit and get this done and over with so you can go to her.”

I looked between her and the door and back to her. “Fine.”

“Now.” Jessica pulled a notepad and a small stick out of the inside of her suit jacket. “I’m going to write down everything you say but also record it just in case I miss something.”

I nodded, slumping onto the couch and dropped my head in my hands.

“Now, Vince.”

I looked up then.

Jessica’s gaze was hard and determined. “Start from the beginning and tell me everything.”


I was pacing back and forth waiting for my parents and Gigi’s parents. I had called them once the detective let me leave after I answered all of her questions. She didn’t know anything more than what I told her. Or she didn’t act like she did. But something wasn’t right. Besides the fact that my girlfriend and baby were fighting for their lives, there was something else. Something that I couldn’t put my finger on.

Detective Baldwin was a hardhead, but reasonable, and finally let me go once she was satisfied I didn’t try to kill my girlfriend and unborn child.

An hour after she started questioning me, she finally got everything she needed. At that point in time, she told me to go to my girlfriend and baby.

I rushed over to the hospital and called both Gigi’s and my parents on the way. It was the hardest phone call I ever had to make and one that I didn’t want to make again. Ever.


I stopped suddenly, spinning around and seeing my mom and dad rushing toward me. I ran up to them, throwing myself around my mother and right into her arms.

“God, my sweet boy.” She held me as I shook against her.

“Vince.” Dad cupped my nape, wrapping his big body around us both. “I’m so fucking sorry.”


I lifted my head, seeing Gigi’s mom and dad coming down the hall.

Mom cupped my cheek, giving me a small smile.

I squeezed her hand before releasing her and went up to Jay but stopped in front of her.

She held her arms out, her eyes welling.

Stepping into her embrace, I hugged her.

“How’s my girl?” she asked, her voice trembling.

“I don’t know anything yet,” I told her, my voice thick. “But it doesn’t look…it doesn’t…” My throat burned. I couldn’t even get the words out.