My head suddenly felt light, a sharp pain hitting my abdomen. “I…I need to lay down,” I heard myself say. I went to stand but fell to my knees. The pain became worse. I clutched my stomach, the agony enveloping me in a blanket of fear that something was wrong.

A dark shadow loomed over me.

When I pulled my hand back, it was coated in a red liquid. My eyes widened even more. “Help me.”

Tenise’s shoes stepped into my line of sight.

I fell to my side, holding my stomach and begging with everything in me that my baby was unharmed.

“You should have eaten faster.” Tenise looked down at me, a wicked grin spreading on her face. Mason stepped up beside her, wrapping his arm around her shoulders. He grabbed the gun from her and aimed it directly at me when footsteps sounded in the apartment.

He jerked his arm back, another pop sounding at the sudden movement.

Their heads whipped around but I couldn’t follow their line of sight. Everything was heavy. I couldn’t move, even though I wanted to.

I tried pushing onto shaky arms to get away from them, but I wasn’t strong enough. The agony ripping through my lower stomach forced all of the breath from my lungs.

The last thing I saw was Tenise blowing me a kiss before everything went dark.


When I had finallyreached my apartment building, my body stirred, knowing I would see Gigi in a matter of minutes. I had been working so much and so often over the past few weeks that I only got to see her later into the evening. But she never complained. She greeted me with open arms, sometimes it turning into unexpected sex. Truth was, I always wanted her. Every inch. Every breath. Every moan.

I was running late this evening thanks to a pipe bursting at the center. It just went downhill from there, but I finally got out of there and home to my girl. Rory and Mason were still helping me with my surprise for Gigi and I couldn’t wait to reveal it to her, but I still had a few weeks left before I could do that. I just hoped the baby wouldn’t come first.

When I reached our floor, I moved the bouquet of flowers and box of donuts to my other hand and fished for the keys in my pocket. I had taken Angel’s advice to heart and picked flowers up for Gigi as often as I could. It was the little things he had said, and I would spend the rest of my life doing just that.

Once I neared the door leading to the home I was now sharing with the woman I loved, my heart suddenly jumped to my throat.

The door was ajar.

Slowly opening it, I stepped inside and shut it behind me. “Babe?”

No response.

“Queenie?” I called out, the scent of pasta hitting me.

When I rounded the corner, I was stopped short by the bundled heap on the floor by the dining room table. The flowers and box of donuts fell from my fingertips. The very reason I lived was unmoving.

It was like I was having an out-of-body experience as I rushed to Gigi’s side. Dropping to my knees, I checked her over. A red splotch was seeping through her white shirt in the side of her stomach while another sat on her upper thigh.

“Gigi!” I yelled, lightly tapping her cheeks. “Please wake up, baby. Wake up.”

But her eyes remained closed.

“No.” A sob broke free, agony hitting me somewhere deep in the chest. “Please, Gigi. I can’t lose you.” Fishing out my cell, I called 911. Police were on their way and that was all I heard as I threw the phone on the floor. “Please, Gigi.” I kissed her mouth. Turning my head, I listened for a sign that she was breathing. Checking her pulse, I felt a faint heartbeat. I wasn’t a medical professional but even I knew that it wasn’t strong enough.

I rained kisses on her face, cupped the wound in her lower abdomen to try and stop the bleeding, and just held her.

“I got you, baby. I’m here. I’m always here. Don’t give up. Please keep fighting. For our daughter and for me. I can’t live without you.”

Tears rolled down my cheeks, sobs breaking through me.

I was vaguely aware that we were no longer alone.

EMTs came in with a stretcher, lifting Gigi onto it. One was asking me questions, but I couldn’t focus on anything other than seeing them work on my girlfriend.

I was suddenly surrounded by police officers, each of them trying to ask me questions, but I couldn’t hear them. “Gigi,” I finally got out. I took a step toward her as she was wheeled out of our apartment.