“Fuck.” He dug his fingers into the flesh of my rear, lifting me into his arms. “I need you, but we shouldn’t. Not here.”

“Why not?” I licked up the length of his throat. “Make us feel better.”

He shivered, placing me gently on my bed. “No. Get some sleep and then you can come home with me later. I’ll take care of your sweet pussy then.”

I sighed, brushing my fingers along his mouth. “Lay with me then? Until I fall asleep?”

Vince nodded, lying down beside me and pulling me against him. “I love you, Queenie.” He kissed the side of my neck. “I love you so fucking much.”

I woke with a start.


I jumped, my head whipping around. Vince was sitting up, a deep frown settling between his brows.

I scrubbed a hand down my face, not realizing I had fallen asleep and so quickly. The remnants from the nightmare sat deep inside me. Although I couldn’t remember what the dream was about, I could still feel the fear crawling along my skin like tiny spiders.

“You’re fine.” He kissed my shoulder. “I promise you’re fine.”

I nodded, blowing out a slow breath. “Take me home. Please, Vince. I just need to move on.”

“Did you want to grab stuff from here?” he asked, leaving my bed. “And then we’ll go get new phones before we head home.”

“Okay.” I went to my closet to grab a bag and started packing a few things. I would have to buy more but this would do for now. When I was done, Vince and I left my room.

Our parents were still sitting around the dining room table. They looked up when we approached.

“Did you get some rest?” Mom asked me.

“A little. I’m going to go home with Vince,” I said as he came up behind me. “Actually, I’m going to move in with him.”

“Good.” She hugged me tight. “It’s about time.”

I laughed lightly. “I love you.”

She leaned back, cupping my cheek. “I love you too, sweetheart.”

“If you find anything at the house that’s worth saving, can you set it aside for me please?” I asked Dad and Stone. “I don’t know if I can go over there right now.”

Dad nodded. “Of course.”

“We’ll get to the bottom of this,” Stone said, rising from the chair. “We should go too,” he told his wife.

After another round of hugs, Vince’s parents drove us to get new cell phones before we headed to the apartment building that would now be my new home as well.

“We got this, Queenie,” Vince murmured in my ear as I gripped my bag tight in my arms. “Here.”

I looked down, seeing a key in his open palm.

“I have a spare key since Rory and Mason moved out.” He placed it in my hand, curling my fingers around it before bringing our hands up to his mouth. He kissed my knuckles, that soft touch sending a flutter of desire unfurling deep in my belly.

I chewed my bottom lip, unable to respond. What could I even say? Someone burnt down my house with Vince and I inside it. The only good thing that came out of this was that it gave us a shove to confess our feelings for each other. Finally. After all this time. And now we were moving in together.

I believed that everything happened for a reason but my house burning down, was a bit extreme.

After his parents dropped us off, Vince and I walked hand in hand down the hall leading to his apartment.

“I haven’t been here since the night of your birthday,” I told him.