“Baby, the house isn’t that old, and you know that’s not what happened,” Vince told me gently. “The police are still doing their search but it’s not an accident. I wish it was. I’m sorry that it wasn’t.”
“But why? Why would someone go through all that trouble? Why would they try and hurt us?” A lump formed in my throat. “Why would they take our phones and burn down my house?”
“I’ll get us new phones.” Vince wrapped an arm around my shoulders, leaning his forehead against the side of my head. “I don’t know any more than that, but I promise we will find out.”
“When we’re given the go-ahead, we’ll check out the house,” Dad said, looking at Stone.
“Fucking hell.” Stone ran a hand over his head.
Creena started pacing. “I’ve been retired for years but I’ll come back. I’ll find this fucker who hurt you kids. I’ll…”
Stone went up to his wife and pulled her into his arms, mumbling something low to her.
Her shoulders slumped.
A look passed between Vince and I. I didn’t know what Creena meant by her coming out of retirement but I was sure that I didn’t want to know.
“Maybe one of the houses nearby has security cameras that picked up something,” Stone suggested. “I’ll mention it to the police if they haven’t tried that already.”
While my dad and Stone continued talking about their plans to try and figure out what had happened, my energy level dwindled. I just wanted to go home and curl up in my bed but now I couldn’t do that.
“Come home with me,” Vince suggested.
“I don’t have anything. I have…” I swallowed hard. “I have nothing.”
All eyes turned to me that time.
“Take whatever you need from your room here,” Mom offered. “But I do suggest getting some rest before you go through your things.”
I only nodded. I was too tired to argue.
“Come.” Vince stood. “I’ll tuck you in.”
I gave my parents both a hug, along with Vince’s mom and dad.
“I like you for him,” Creena murmured in my ear as she squeezed me tight. “I wouldn’t want him with anyone else.” She cupped my stomach. “Thank you.”
My eyes welled. I could only nod for fear that I would be a blubbering mess if I tried to voice my thoughts.
“Sleep well, kiddo,” Stone said, giving me a small smile.
I thanked him and let Vince walk me to my bedroom. “I want to go home,” I told Vince once we were in my room.
He closed the door behind him and came toward me, wrapping me up in his strong arms. “Move in with me.”
“What?” I wasn’t sure why I was surprised. I was having his baby and all. It only made sense that moving in together would be the next step.
“I have room for a nursery.” Vince kissed my forehead. “And I want you in my bed. I want you in my home. I want your things in my bathroom and dresser. I want your touch. Everywhere.”
I cupped his nape and gripped his shirt with my other hand. “I want that too.”
“Really?” he asked, lifting his head.
“Yes.” I stood on tiptoes and kissed him softly on the mouth. “I love you.”
Vince slid his hands down my back to my ass, pulling me flush against him. “Say that again.”
A breathless laugh escaped me at the deep vibrato of his voice. “I love you, baby.”