His question ended on a choke as his companion sharply elbowed him, muttering, “She’s a bloody sorceress, numbskull—she can’t get lost!”
I smiled easily, charmingly I hoped, and held out the crystal glass I’d brought from Falcon’s table. “They’re serving that awful sweet wine in our tent. Officer Liam promised me whiskey if I stopped by. Is he around?”
My stomach sank. I hadn’t thought.
“Oh no—he wasn’t injured today, was he? I’d heard we had no fighting at all.”
They gaped at me, clearly at a total loss, sliding looks at each other.
“Snap to, boys!” a deep voice behind me rang out, while the boys did indeed snap to even sharper attention, if it were possible. “The Lady Sorceress has asked a simple question—what is the delay?”
“Officer Liam, yes, sir!”
“Is there a reason we can’t give the Lady Sorceress what she’s looking for?” Liam gave me a warm grin of welcome.
The soldier who knew I couldn’t get lost—if only that were true—stepped forward, bowed and reverently eased the goblet from my hand. I tried to catch his eye, but he flushed and ducked away.
“Thank you, Officer Liam.” I smiled up at his caramel-brown eyes.
“Lady Sorceress.” He bowed deeply. “We are beholden to you for a peaceful maneuver today.”
The young soldier handed me the glass again with a whispered, “My lady sorceress.” I thanked him, then frowned at the lightness of the glass before I thought to school my face. Officer Liam peered at the bare half-inch of whiskey in the bottom.
“Would you prefer more than that, Lady Sorceress?”
Despite his look of grave inquiry, I could swear he suppressed a grin. For a moment I wasn’t the Sorceress, victor of the Battle of the Birds, not to mention the Plain of No Trees, sworn to love Rogue eternally. Instead I was the college girl I’d once been, standing over a keg with a cute guy. Oh yes, I wanted him to get me more.
“Yes, please—itisa bit of a walk over here.”
The boys scrambled to retrieve the tankard, muttering frantic apologies, while I watched with great dignity—coed pretending to be sorceress. They filled the glass nearly to the brim this time—an amount I doubted even I could drink. But it should last me a while, anyway.
I sipped. Then sipped again, closing my eyes as the smooth warmth fell through to my stomach and spread with lovely fingers into my bloodstream. The ebb of it dissolved away the edges of my horror over Titania and the residual bitter taste of Rogue. The sensual buzz of the magic today rode through my blood with it.
I opened my eyes to see the men all watching me, smoky lust drifting across the floor.
I was in control again. Better. I nodded at them with noble serenity and they settled back into their roles. “It’s lovely, gentle soldiers. I thank you, and I’ll take my leave of you.”
They bowed deeply, yet again, clearly waiting for my departure so they could attend to the growing queue of jubilant men wanting their share. I stepped back out of the ring of light.
“Lady Sorceress.” Liam followed me. “May I escort you back to the nobles’ feast tent?”
“It’s not necessary, officer. I can find my way.”
He offered his right arm. “I hear our sorceress has the eyes of a cat, but allow a humble warrior the satisfaction of knowing you safely seated with nary a drop of whiskey spilled.” His tone was all humility, but I felt the thread of laughter through it. “Besides, General Falcon would have my hide if I did not assist you.”
With a bit of a thrill, I slipped my left arm through his. He felt warm and muscled, totally unlike Rogue’s wiry steel. I couldn’t help remembering how his body brushed mine in weapons practice. I took another sip of whiskey, raised my glass to the carnival lights of the fae side of camp. “Let us proceed.”
We picked our way across the hummocky ground and I found myself clinging to him as my heels sank into the damp earth while I balanced the precious whiskey. I could hear him wondering why I didn’t have an escort. Or why I hadn’t sent Larch to fetch for me.
“I like doing for myself. And I had a powerful thirst.”
He glanced down, a cautious smile playing on his lips. “I should mind my thoughts around you.”
“Apologies.” Since we seemed on even ground for a moment, I took another sip of whiskey. “I don’t try to pick up thoughts, but sometimes they waft by, like the smell of dinner cooking.”
He nodded thoughtfully and we continued quietly for a bit longer. I didn’t mention I’d picked up much more salacious stuff from him than that.