“Was that terribly out of line,” I wondered out loud, “for me to come to the soldiers’ tent?”

Now his laugh boomed out, generous and vital. “I think my men may never recover from the shock, Lady Sorceress. They’ve only seen barmaids tipple whiskey—and I wager none drank so deeply, with such a look…” He trailed off, remembering himself.

“What look?” I nudged the arm he escorted me by, my fingers tapping his ridged forearm. “What look—you’ve come this far.” In the dark between the human and the fae camps, a strange intimacy settled.

This felt simple and easy. Familiar, even. No games. Or, only the usual kind.

“Like a woman looks when a man touches her,” he admitted softly, a bit rough.

He stared resolutely forward into the night when I glanced up at him, looking down only when I stopped walking. “I’ve offended you—forgive my impertinence, Lady Sorceress—drunk on siren song and a beautiful woman on my arm…” He shook his head. “I’ve lost my head.”

Warmth coiled in my stomach as I watched his mouth in the reflected light of the torches on one side and pillows on the other. I wanted just a taste of him. I had made no vows to Rogue that I wouldn’t kiss anyone else, just that I wouldn’t bear anyone else’s child first.

One kiss broke no promises.

This was for me and no one else. I needed something for me.

I slipped my arm from Liam’s and he moved as if to step back, but I reached up to touch him, my fingertips white against his sun-bronzed cheekbone. He hesitated a moment, then bent his head so I could touch my lips to his.

Ah, the breath of a man on my tongue, that first touch of flesh I’d never before felt. His taste, a wisp of smoke, tang of musk, filled me. Making me nostalgic for a simple man.

The magic surged up, wanting a place to go.

I tore myself away. “It’s my turn to ask forgiveness. I’m not sure why I—”

Liam slipped his hand behind my neck, his fierce kiss stopping my words. He kissed me hard, thoroughly. I clutched at his arm with one hand, the other still balancing the whiskey. His lips were hard and soft, a day’s growth of beard sharpening the edges, a rough delight. He drew away, eyes gleaming darkly.

“I know I made the invitation,” I whispered, “but I have to go back to the feast. I’m expected.”

He nodded, understanding duty. His warrior’s fingers brushed the nape of my neck as he slid his hand away, and I released his powerful arm. We stood a moment.

Then he held his arm out as before—“Lady Sorceress?”—and I draped my fingers across his forearm again and we walked in stately formality toward Falcon’s tent cluster.

Kissing Liam had been lovely. Unthreatening. Should Rogue return, I could cope with him better if I had taken the edge off. As many teenagers could attest, there was plenty to do without actual intercourse. And I could investigate—under more controlled circumstances—the effect of orgasm on magic.

It was on my list, after all.

I glanced up at Liam and he met my look. Then stopped. We were just outside Falcon’s tent. Dappled pillow light glinted off Liam’s bright curls.

“If I could find a place tonight,” he whispered, “someplace completely discreet, where no one would ever, ever know, would you…?”

“Yes.” I answered without hesitation, without thought. And the grin I’d felt in him before flashed across his face like the sunshine he was born of.

“Just like that,” he whispered in wonder.

“But, it can only be tonight and there will be rules. I can’t…”go all the way.Okay, that would sound really dorky.

“A good warrior always knows his limitations. I will send someone to your tent later, to guide you.”

With a wry look he handed me into the torchlight, where Falcon hailed me.

“Ah, Lady Gwynn, we were about to send out a search party, but I see our noble Officer Liam has rescued you already.”

Everyone laughed uproariously. A fine joke at the human’s expense.

“Thank you, officer.” I inclined my head at Liam as he bowed.

“My pleasure, Lady Sorceress,” he murmured correctly.