Page 24 of Birthday Portrait

“Let’s go, Quinn! I want you dancing at my wedding.”

Dancing at a wedding? What a thoroughly miraculous idea, Georgie thought.


“How do you feel?” Mikayla asked, picking up Georgie’s suitcase.

“Nervous. Hopeful. Like there’s a lump of dread in the pit of my stomach.” Mikayla rubbed her arm sympathetically as Leah handed Georgie her cane.

“It’ll be over before you know it. And at least you’ve got Doctor O’Hotstuff on your case.”

“Yeah.” As they stepped out of her cabin, Ryan was there, waiting to help Georgie down the steps. She put her arm in his and they all walked up the track, to where Rafe was waiting with the ambulance.

Before Ryan helped her in, Leah said, “Callum and I will follow you down.”


“You’ll want this,” Ryan said once she was in the ambulance and comfortable on the gurney. He was sitting across from her. He took a tab from his kit, popped a capsule and handed it to her with a bottle of water.

“What is it?”

“Mersyndol. Take it, mo chroi. The trip’s not as bad as a car ride, but it’s long enough. You’ll need it.” There was an unmistakable plea in his eyes. She took the tablet. It was a short drive to the oval and Georgie gasped in surprise when Rafe opened the back doors of the ambulance. Everyone was there. “I feel like a celebrity,” Georgie joked as Rafe helped her to the ground.

Juniper stepped forward to give her a hug. “Come back as quick as you can.”

“I will.”

One by one, everyone stepped up to say goodbye and wish her well. Then Brandon was lifting her into the helicopter, sitting next to her and taking hold of her hand. The blades whirred as Ryan belted in opposite Georgie and they were lifting into the air, the ground falling away beneath them as they turned towards Melbourne and the possibility of a new life for Georgie.

* * *

Ryan’s rehabilitation center was more luxury than Georgie was used to. All her previous hospital visits had taken place in the public system before her compensation payments came through. The helicopter landed on a helipad on the roof, where a tall woman with gleaming dark hair and fabulous shoes was waiting to greet them. She was flanked by two orderlies. One pushed a wheelchair forward. “I think I prefer to walk, thank you.” He nodded and pulled back. Ryan offered his arm instead and they walked towards Georgie’s surgeon. Ryan made the introductions.

“It’s a pleasure to meet you, Georgie. I’m looking forward to sorting you out.” She gave Georgie a searching look before continuing. “I’d like to get some scans done before we get you settled, if you feel up to it. That way we won’t bug you again until tomorrow.”

“Yes, that’s fine. Thank you.”

From there, Georgie was whisked through scans and x-rays with gentle efficiency. Once that was all done, she admitted to feeling exhausted. She couldn’t deny that the only reason she’d gotten through the day was because Ryan had insisted she take some pain relief. But she was worn out and grateful to be wheeled into her private room. Brandon was already there, sitting back in a big, comfortable recliner. The orderlies helped Georgie into bed, advised that they would serve dinner in about half an hour, and left the room.

“It’s a pretty fancy outfit Ryan runs here,” Brandon observed.

“It is, isn’t it?”

“Do you know people call him sir?”

“No, do they?” Georgie couldn’t imagine it. Her congenial, caring friend being called sir. “That’s a bit funny.”

“It is. Now that you’re done with your tests, do you mind if I go for a wander?”

“What for?”

“Just wanna get the lay of the land, figure out where the surgery will happen. Where the good coffee is.”

“Oh, sure, that’s fine.” Once he’d gone, Georgie lay back against the pillow and closed her eyes. She pondered the strange turn her life had taken. It wasn’t that long ago that she was living alone. Struggling. With no foreseeable end in sight. No relief from the pain and loneliness. And now here she was.


She opened her eyes. And it was all thanks to this man. “Hey,” she said with a smile.