Page 25 of Birthday Portrait

Ryan pulled up a chair and sat down. “How’re you feeling?”

“Pretty good, thanks.” She looked at him, sitting there smiling at her and she felt so grateful. She reached out a hand and he took it, holding it between his gently. “Thank you, Ryan.”

“Sure, you’re welcome.”

They turned at the sound of someone clearing their throat. Jennifer, standing in the doorway. “Can I come in?”

“Of course,” Georgie replied.

“Thanks.” She flicked a glance at their joined hands but didn’t comment. “I’ve got some good news. Your scans came back much better than I was expecting. You’ve held up pretty well for the last few years, all things considered. I expect to be able to perform the surgery arthroscopically and provided that all goes well, you’ll have a speedy recovery.” She smiled at Ryan. “Provided you do everything Doctor O’Shannessy tells you to during rehabilitation.”

“I will.”

“I’m glad to hear that. I’ve worked with a lot of rehab doctors and he’s the best I’ve seen. You’re in great hands.”

“Give over, Jen.”

Jennifer just grinned at him. “He’s in charge of your pain meds, so I’ll leave you to that. Dinner is not too far away. Should I get yours sent in?” She asked Ryan. He looked at Georgie and when she nodded, said she’d get it organized. “I’ll see you tomorrow,” she said to Georgie, rubbing her arm before heading out the door.

Brandon came back not long after Jennifer had left. “Swanky,” he said as he sat down in the recliner. “Have you seen the dinner menu, George?” She shook her head. “Tonight, you’ll be having seared steak in a red wine jus with roasted potatoes, caramelized courgette and baby carrots. What the fuck is courgette?”

“Zucchini,” Georgie answered.

“Up yourself, O’Shannessy. That’s what you are.”

Ryan grinned. “Fuck off, Quinn.”

“Alright, that’s enough,” Georgie said with a chuckle.

An orderly came in with a trolley. The scents she brought in with her were mouthwatering, even to Georgie. “Here you are, sir,” she said, handing Ryan a tray. “And for you,” she passed Brandon a tray and his eyes goggled.

“Seriously? I was just going to get a sandwich.”

“Not so up myself now, am I?”

“Yeah, for sure, but I’m still gonna eat it.”

Once the orderly had pulled the bed table over for Georgie and placed her meal on it, with a small glass of juice and a sticky date pudding in butterscotch sauce, she went out. “Eat as much as you can, mo chroi.”

“Right.” Georgie enjoyed the banter between Ryan and Brandon as she forced herself to eat, wondering if she’d ever feel proper hunger again.

When they’d finished dinner and their meals had been cleared away, Ryan offered Brandon a room down the hall. “No, I’ll stay here, thanks.”

“Huh? Where are you going to sleep?” Georgie asked.

“Right here.”

“In the chair?”

“Yeah. I just need a blanket. Once you’re asleep, I’ll chuck the recliner back and she’ll be right.”

Georgie went to argue but stopped herself. She couldn’t imagine anything better than going to sleep knowing he was right there. “Okay.”

With that organized, Ryan gave Georgie her medication. “It should knock you out pretty quickly and give you a good rest.” He took the water glass from her and she pulled the blanket up to her shoulders. He looked like he was about to say something, but then changed his mind. “I’ll see you in the morning, before you go in.”


Georgie lay there after Ryan had gone, feeling the drug moving through her system, relaxing her. “Brandon?” She asked sleepily.