Page 18 of Birthday Portrait

“Will you do something for me?” Georgie closed her eyes.

“What’s that?”

“Lie with me. I don’t think I want to be alone.”

“To be sure, I can do that.” She heard him move around to the other side of the bed. Slip his shoes off. Lie down. She sighed when she felt his arm come around her. His broad chest at her back. His knees tucked carefully under hers. She placed her hand over his and was asleep in less than five seconds.


* * *

The next few days passed in a dream for Georgie. Ryan left for Melbourne. She was pretty sure he’d pulled Brandon aside before he’d left with strict instructions on what to do with her. Brandon applied himself with zeal. He had checked into a room at the pub when he’d gone to get her groceries. He came up to the Lighthouse every morning and hung out with her. He filled the fridge in the cabin with fresh fruit and vegetables, plus some ready-made healthy meals. He walked on the beach with her. Carried her recliner over to the wall that overlooked the ocean, grabbing the one from Ryan’s veranda and sitting with her. For hours sometimes. And they talked. He told her all about his travels. The volunteer work he’d done in Cambodia, building a school in a remote village. The man at the ashram that got him hooked on philosophy. How he’d made friends with Ravi after he’d left the ashram and relocated to Mumbai. How they’d devised the app, built it, marketed it. He took numerous calls throughout the day. Business calls. Georgie couldn’t mistake the note of authority and control in his voice. He had an aura of power about him now that she’d never expected to see. With it, there was also a calming, peaceful feel to him. He’d grown up. She was immensely proud of him and so happy for him.

One morning, they were sitting outside. Georgie was in the recliner with a blanket thrown over her, Brandon sat on the low stone wall, looking out to sea.

“What are those buildings?” He asked.

“What buildings?”

“Those ones on that little beach. There’s a big old building. Too big to be a house. Then a couple of little cottages just up from there. They’re totally rundown and the road behind them goes nowhere.”

“Oh, I have no idea. You’d probably have to ask Mikayla. Or her mum or dad. Their family have lived around Blessed Inlet for generations, apparently.”

“Right. I think I’ll do that.” He went quiet again.

“What are you thinking about?” She asked when he continued to gaze down at the buildings. He looked at her and Georgie knew the moment for what it was. He’d spent days avoiding the conversation about her health, a fact Georgie was very grateful for. But from the look in his eyes, his restraint had come to an end. Georgie scrambled for an argument, something to stop him.

“I’m thinking that I had no idea you were so stupid.”

“Brandon,” she said warningly.

“Don’t you Brandon me.”

“You don’t underst—”

“Don’t tell me what I understand. Because there’s one thing I definitely understand. Much better than you, in fact. Drug addiction. Watching you these past days, fighting against something that isn’t even an issue for you. It makes you look stupid.”

“That’s fucking rude.”

He blew out a breath. “Here’s the thing, so listen up. It kills me to see you like this. Especially when I know it’s not necessary. It also kills me to think about everything you’ve already been through. And the fact that I wasn’t here for you. But I’m here now. And I won’t stand for this.” He gestured to her. “You can do this, George. You can have the surgery, take the pain meds and get better. I know you can. You are, by far, the strongest person I know. I understand, I mean, I really understand, why the drugs scare you. You’ve got every reason to be scared after the life that drug addiction has given you. But honestly, I just can’t see it being an issue for you.” He stopped, giving her a chance to respond, but Georgie had no idea what to say. “And here’s one more argument. The main reason you’re freaked out by the drugs is because you thought I died of an overdose, right?”

She nodded.

“But I didn’t die, did I? I’m right here, healthier and stronger than I’ve ever been. So your fears are misplaced, aren’t they? The reason you were afraid is no longer a reason to be afraid. So let it go, why don’t you?”

“It’s not that easy.”

“I know. I get that. You’ve been in this situation for a long time. I’m sure you can’t imagine the possibility that it could change. That you can make it change. So I’m going to leave it for now. You’re tired. But I’m going to ask you to do me one favor.”

“What’s that?”

“Just think about it, George. Think about surgery and recovery and being better. If not for yourself, then for me. Because it hurts me so much to see you like this.”

He’d played the big card there. She was much more likely to consider it for him than for herself. “Fine. I’ll think about it.”

“Okay. Great. I’m not asking for more than that, right now.” He pulled his phone from his back pocket. “I have to make some phone calls. You’ll be right to stay here for a bit? Or do you want me to take you inside?”

“I’ll stay here.”