Page 19 of Birthday Portrait

“Okay. I’ll be back in about half an hour.” He bent and pressed a kiss to her forehead before walking away.

Once Brandon had gone, Georgie thought over everything he’d just said. He was right about a lot of it. Him not being dead really did impact the situation for her. But even with the drugs, she wasn’t sure she could go through any more surgery. Lie in hospital for days. Have people poking at her. Fussing over her. She pictured that. Imagined herself lying in bed. Waking up after surgery. Staying in Melbourne for rehab. Brandon would be there this time, at least. Given all that, and the fact that she wasn’t sure how much longer she could go on as she was, she did really have to think about it. She sighed. Maybe.

Leah came down not long after Brandon had left. “Hey.”


“Just saw Brandon. I’m probably never gonna get sick of saying that, after thinking he was dead.”

Georgie smiled. “I know what you mean.”

“I told him I was taking you to my place for lunch. Let’s go.”

“Jesus, you are so bossy.”

“You love it.”

“I don’t hate it, but I’m not gonna lie, it scares me a little.” Georgie threw the blanket back and pushed to her feet.

As Leah tooled the BMW down the long gravel track to her house, Georgie looked around. Leah had bought the little beachside shack with her divorce settlement and seeing as the settlement was meagre, because her ex was an ass, the shack was tiny. That was, until Leah fell pregnant with twins. Not wanting to move, extension plans had been drawn up and submitted to Council. The last time Georgie had visited was too soon for any work to start. Today was a different story. She got out of the car, noticing the ramp over the steps of the veranda, which had been entirely cleared of the assortment of plant pots Leah had always kept there.

Georgie gasped when she stepped inside. The entire side wall had been knocked out and the footings laid out for three new bedrooms, a family bathroom and a playroom. “Whoa.”

“I know. So much for studio space,” Leah said with a laugh.

“You’re not gonna do that too?”

“Maybe later. But probably not connected to the house, as it’s too noisy. Callum’s bought a space in town for now and is in the process of kitting it out. Let’s sit outside.” Leah pulled a quiche and salad out of the fridge and placed them on a tray. Adding plates, cutlery, glasses and juice, she led the way out to the back deck.

Georgie sighed as she sat down at the outdoor table on the back deck. The beach was secluded, cut off from the main beach by a fall of rocks years earlier. The Blessed Inlet River moved lazily past Leah and Callum’s house on its way to the ocean. The day was perfectly still, the sea was calm, the sky was a clear, deep blue. “What a slice of paradise.”

Leah took a deep breath and smiled. “It is, isn’t it?” She served the food waiting for Georgie to pick up her knife and fork before she started eating. “So you’ve been spending a fair bit of time with Ryan.”

“Yeah.” Georgie took a bite of the quiche.

“He’s a great guy.”


“And single.”


“Really good looking, too.”

“I guess so.”

“Come on. You’re giving me nothing.”

Georgie smiled at the teasing note in Leah’s voice, then she shrugged. “There’s nothing to give you.” Leah pulled a face, like she disagreed. “Honestly! There’s nothing romantic between us. He’s just a good friend.”

“You don’t feel anything like that for him, even a little?”

Georgie thought about it. Her feelings for Ryan were complicated. And a little overwhelming. She trusted him completely. She’d told him things she’d never told anyone else. About her childhood. About Brandon. About the accident. He was that kind of guy. A listener. A giver. And he was funny. He made her laugh. She felt looked after by him. So yes, he was a good friend. With the most stunning eyes she’d ever seen. A vibrant, piercing blue that a girl could drown in if she wasn’t careful.

And okay, sometimes her heart squeezed in strange ways when he looked at her. Or her skin warmed when he put his hands on her. But since she couldn’t imagine going to bed with anyone, ever, she pushed those feelings aside. Buried them. If sometimes her dreams of the accident ended with his arms around her instead of the screaming blackness, well that was just a product of his friendship. Wasn’t it?
