Page 63 of Birthday Portrait

“I thought I’d be a bit bored, to be honest. Staying at a winery when you’re pregnant seemed like a bad idea. But there was heaps to do, aside from the massages. The Yarra Valley Golf Club was literally just down the road. I smashed Rafe’s butt there. That was a highlight.”

“Tell the truth,” Rafe said, grinning at Mikayla as he bit into a mozzarella stick.

Chuckling, Mikayla said, “We got about halfway through and my back started to hurt, so I sat in the cart and Rafe took my shots. So yeah, I’m better than him at golf.”

“What else did you get up to?” Leah asked once the laughter had died down.

“We went to the chocolate factory. Oh my god, have you ever been there?” When Leah shook her head, Mikayla looked at Ryan and Georgie. “We should organize a road trip. It was amazing!” She said when they both shook their heads as well. “And cheese. Oh god, the cheese! There’s a sweet little cheese factory not far from the chocolate factory. There was heaps I couldn’t try, because of the baby, but Rafe said they were delicious, so we bought a lot of cheese as well. I’ll have a cheese and chocolate night after the baby’s born. And wine, of course.”

“That sounds like a great idea,” Juniper said, getting up to add more food to her plate. “And you’re sure you’re okay to have Billy tonight?”

“Yeah, of course. I’ve missed my little mate to pieces. Oh, what’s that sad face for?” She asked Billy. Sitting on William’s lap, he had his head bent and a mournful expression on his face. “Don’t you want to come for a sleepover?”

Billy shook his head.

“Why not? You know we always have fun.”

“Because I don’t want to leave my new bed.”

“Oh, I didn’t know you had a new bed! What kind?”

“Daddy made it and Mummy and Leah painted lions and tigers on it.”

“That sounds amazing! No wonder you don’t want to leave it.” She glanced at Juniper, a query in her eyes. Juniper nodded at the unspoken question. “Well, how would it be if we stayed here with you instead?”

Billy cheered up immediately. “Can we have a party? Leah and Callum are staying too.”

“Are you?”

“Yeah, just while the painting is getting done. I couldn’t handle the fumes. We’re bunking down in the little cottage.”

“Makes sense.”

“So can we have a party?”

“Mate, we’re having a party right now.”

“I want another party!”

Mikayla chuckled. “Well, there’ll be plenty of food left, so let’s see how we go. What time are you guys heading off?”

“Function starts at eight, so about four o’clock, if that’s okay,” Juniper answered.

“Sure thing. You don’t mind keeping the dogs one more night, Mum?”

“No, darling, that’s fine.”

While they were talking, Leah had stood up and with her hand pressed into her lower back, wandered over to the wall to gaze out at the ocean. Ryan watched her, his brow furrowed with concern. He had noticed that she was looking unusually pale, and also that she had hardly eaten any of the food Callum had put on her plate. He glanced at Mikayla to see her watching Leah closely and felt a little spurt of relief. He didn’t feel right imposing on Leah by asking if she wasn’t feeling well in front of everyone, but he knew Mikayla wouldn’t hesitate and that it wouldn’t make Leah uncomfortable.

“Leah,” Mikayla called out, confirming Ryan’s belief. Leah turned around. “Everything okay?”

“Yeah, sure. I just can’t sit on the chair for too long, that’s all.”

Juniper jumped to her feet. “I’ll get you my fit ball. I loved it when I was pregnant with Billy.” She dashed inside, returning seconds later with the big rubber ball.

Callum took it from her and placed it on the ground between his feet. “Waddle over here, my little whale. I’ll look after you.” Leah smiled and moved over to Callum, dropping on to the ball with a sigh and leaning back against him, closing her eyes. She looked exhausted.

Handing her plate to Rafe, Mikayla hauled herself to her feet, her own belly bulging. Ryan got up so she could take his seat and moved away to give her some privacy. Georgie followed him, watching while Mikayla took Leah’s pulse. “What’s happening?”