Page 64 of Birthday Portrait

Ryan shrugged. “She’s just looking a little peaky, that’s all.”

“More than just her back hurting?”

“Aye, maybe.”

Georgie looked back at Leah with concern in her eyes. “Can you do anything for her?”

He shook his head. “I’m not that sort of doctor. Mikayla knows what she’s about. If there’s a serious problem, she’ll handle it.” When Georgie’s worry didn’t lessen, he put his arm around her and kissed her forehead. “We’ll keep an eye on her.”

“Okay,” she replied.

Mikayla joined them, her eyes anxious but her tone calm when she said, “Pulse is a bit fluttery, but she doesn’t have a temperature or anything. She’s probably just tired.”

“That’s most likely the case,” Ryan said reassuringly.

“Still, I might ask Callum if I can speak with her doctor. Just to give her the heads up. What do you think?”

“It’s a grand idea.”

Mikayla nodded. “Okay then, I’ll do that.”

Ryan and Georgie watched as Mikayla spoke to Callum, grabbed her phone from her back pocket and gave his shoulder a reassuring rub before heading inside. Her brow had cleared when she returned and Ryan felt the tension leave Georgie.

“Right, now I’m all nervy. How about a game of football?”

“What the fu—fudge? You’re not that far off popping yourself!” Georgie asked.

Mikayla grinned. “Scared you can’t take me?”

Georgie scoffed. “I can take you with one arm tied behind my back.”

“Let’s go then. You too, O’Shannessy.”

“Leave me out of this, unless you’re prepared to play properly.”

Mikayla’s eyes narrowed. “You besmirch the honor of our great game?”

“Aye, since it’s not as great as our great game.”

“Pffft. I’ve played your game, mate. It ain’t so great. I mean, you don’t even play with the right ball.” She poked him in the chest, her eyes dancing.

Enjoying himself hugely, Ryan counteracted. “That sounds like a challenge to me. Let’s see what you’ve got.”

“Well, I would, but we don’t happen to have one of your stupid balls here.”

“I’ve got one in the boot.”

Mikayla’s eyes widened. “You’ve been here for months and I’m just now hearing that we can play Gaelic football?” Whistling for the dogs, she said, “Right, it’s me, Rafe, Wesley and Buttercup against Ryan, Georgie, William and Callum.”


Georgie sighed and leaned back in her chair, glass of wine in hand and her feet in Ryan’s lap. They sat on the front deck of Ryan’s cabin, recovering from the intense football match they’d played. The night was cool and fresh, the stars sprinkled the sky in a dusty glow. She rolled her shoulders, biting back a moan as Ryan’s thumb pressed into her feet. “I can’t remember the last time I worked that hard.”

Ryan chuckled. “I think it’ll take me a few days to recover.”

“Same. Mik’s a maniac.”

“She has a lot of energy,” he agreed.