Page 68 of Overcoming the Beta

“Ok. I… I… I will talk to you soon.” She pauses, then hangs up the phone. I felt like she was going to say something else, and I’m saddened that she didn’t. Will she ever be able to say those three little words that used to come so easy to her? The words that I abused and tossed around at will. Those same three little words have so much more meaning now than they ever did.

Chapter thirty-four

The Situation

**July 2004**


JustasIanpromised,he has called me twice a day every day. Rebeka, along with Alpha and Luna, has been by Zane’s side for fourteen days now. Day three, he opened his eyes and spoke. Ian says he has improved so much in a short amount of time for a guy who died twice. They’re all coming home today, and the pack is getting ready to greet them with a huge dinner of fried chicken… Ian, Zane, and Kelsey’s favorite.

Three days ago, I started running a temperature and having full body aches. Two days ago, I let my parents know what was going on, and the first thing my dad ask was the pain the same as before when Ian was cheating on me. I told him no, that I don’t think that this has anything to do with Ian. It’s a fair question though, since Ian doesn’t have the best track record.

Yesterday my fever spiked, and I began having full body pain. They would last for a few minutes, then go away. When I spoke with Ian yesterday, he asked if I was ok, because he was feeling off, and had the feeling he needed to be home immediately. I told him I wasn’t feeling good, that I thought the mate bond was strained, making me ill. He offered to come home a day early, but I told him no, that I’d be fine and am staying at my parents’ house until he comes home.

Today, I can’t get out of bed because of the fever and body pain. Dr. Patrice came by and took some blood so she could run tests. I just want Ian home… I need him.


“You’ve had enough of a nap, mister.” I whisper in Zane’s ear. “Today your father and I both noticed Rebeka’s scent has changed ever so slightly. We both think she’s with pup.” I take a deep breath and blow out slowly. Smiling, I think of Kate and her calming breaths she does when she’s feeling anxious. They really work. I’m ready to get home to her. “So, you better wake the fuck up, or some other son of a bitch is going to raise your pups.” I state through gritted teeth. It’s been four long days since I’ve seen his eyes or heard his voice.

“Like hell he will.” Zane mumbles so quietly I can barely make out his words, even with my exceptional hearing.

“That’s it, bro,” I fight back the tears. “Now open your eyes.” My heart skips a beat as I watch his eyes flutter back to life.

“You better not being lying about her scent change.” He slightly turns his head to look at me. I laugh. This fucker was at death’s door, and now all he cares about is the pup his mate is carrying.

“I’d never lie about that. Your parents took her to get something to eat. Your mother told her, and I quote, you both need to be healthy when my son wakes up.” I hold his hand in mine. He just smiles and nods his head.

“Help me sit up, please.” I lift the top of the hospital bed until he signals that it’s good enough. I hold a cup with a straw for him so he can drink some water. He’s still so weak, but he’s alive… I can’t believe he’s alive. “Where’s Kelsey?”

“He is building your reputation for ruthlessness. We have burned all loyal followers alive. A few adults using young teens to do their dirty work orchestrated the attack on us.” I put my head down. This is the part of war that I hate.

“Zane!” Kelsey shouts, running through the door. He leaps and lands on Zane, squeezing him in a tight bear hug.

“Bro! He’s been awake for five minutes. Get your big ass off him before you suffocate him.” I laugh while trying to pull Kelsey off Zane.

Soon Rebeka rushes into the room, leaping into Zane’s arm. She is crying hysterically, so relieved to see her mate is awake and talking. It’s a beautiful sight when she tells him he is going to be a father again. All of this is making me want Kate so much more.

Like I do everyday, I check in with my Kate. After two rings she quickly answers.

“Hello handsome,” Kate’s voice is such music to my ears. I can’t wait until I’m holding her in my arms.

“Hello beautiful,” I sigh and lay back on my bed. “Are you ready for me to be home?”

“Yes, it’s been almost a month since I’ve seen you.” She says through heavy breath.

“Love, are you okay? I’ve had the feeling something is wrong the past couple of days.” I sit up. I’ve had this nagging feeling that something is wrong with Kate. Hearing her breathe heavy, my feelings are confirmed.

“I’m fine. I think it’s just the strain on the mate bond making you feel that way.” She sighs. I have a feeling there is more that she is not telling me, but I don’t want to push her.

“I can come home today… I’m just an eleven-hour flight and a two-hour car ride away from you.” I open my laptop to search for flights.

“Don’t be silly. Everyone is planning a huge fried chicken dinner in the packhouse tomorrow to welcome you all home. Get a good night’s sleep. Your flight is at six a.m. tomorrow.” She giggles, but even that feels forced.

“Okay, love. I can’t wait to see you tomorrow.” I hang the phone up and as the worry sets in, I wonder if I should just jump a flight now. Fuck, the shit I put her through in the past. How will I ever make it up to her?

Alex has been unsettled the last thirty minutes of our drive back to our territory. He has begged to be let out so he can just run home. He’s not normally like this. We’ve taken many trips to Europe, and he’s never wanted to run the rest of the way home. This is odd behavior, even for him. He howls in my head as we drive through the front gates of our territory. Truthfully, the asshole is giving me a headache.