Page 69 of Overcoming the Beta

I get out of the SUV in front of the packhouse and stretch my legs. It’s so good to be home. I’m just feet away from holding her in my arms. I reach into the SUV and grab the bouquet and box of chocolates that I picked up for her at the airport. As I turn to go to the back of the SUV to grab my battle bag, I’m hit by what feels like a fucking dump truck and slammed up against the side of the SUV. It knocks the wind out of me as the flowers and candy hit the ground.

I hear gasps and shouting from all around, and when I can focus, I realize that I’m staring into the raging face of Gamma Earnest.

“What the fuck have you done now, boy?” He shouts and slams me against the SUV again. “I trusted you with my daughter. You gave me your fucking word that you’d do right by her this time.” He shouts and snaps in my face as my father and Alpha try to pull him off me.

“What are you talking about? I haven’t done shit to anyone!” I shout, trying to remove his forearm from my throat. This bastard is strong. He’s like a brick wall.

“My daughter is sick, and this is your fault. I’m going to fucking kill you, just as I promised I would.” He applies pressure to my throat.

“Sick! Kate’s sick?” I land a right hook to the side of his face, knocking him back just enough to free myself from his grasp. “Why the fuck didn’t you lead with the fact thatmymate is sick?” I shove him back and take off for Gamma Earnest’s house… to my Kate.

“Kate! Kate!” I shout, running through the front door. Her heavenly scent hits my nose and I follow it upstairs to her bedroom.

She’s laying there on the bed, pale white, and drenched in sweat.

“Ian!” Her mom shouts, “You need to leave!” She steps in between Kate and me, stomping her foot and pointing to the door.

“I’m not going anywhere. Kate is my mate and my responsibility. I’ve done nothing wrong.” I raise my voice and growl, much like my father does when he is in Beta mode. A shocked look crosses her face. I’ve never spoken to her like this before. As she stares into my eyes, her face softens and I can see understanding in her eyes. Without speaking a word to one another, she knows that I’m telling her the truth. I haven’t so much as looked at another woman. Her bottom lips quivers as tears roll down her cheek before she steps out from between Kate and me. “Thank you,” I touch her arm and whisper before rushing to Kate’s side.

‘Zane… Kelsey, please keep Gamma Earnest from getting between us.’I mindlink them both.

‘Done. Take care of your mate.’Zane mindlinks back.

“Ian…” Kate opens her eyes and smiles at me. “I’m so glad you’re home.” She flinches in pain.

“I am, love. You’re burning up.” I rub the palm of my hand across her forehead and face.

“Has Dr. Patrice seen her?” I ask without taking my eyes off Kate.

“Yes. Her bloodwork shows everything is normal. We’ve given her medicine to bring her temperature down, but nothing is working. She just keeps asking for you.” Her mom sniffles, fighting her emotions and fears.

I understand why Kate’s parents had the nasty reaction now. They’ve ruled out any medical issues, so the only logical choice would be that I must have been unfaithful again. I hate that my history with Kate will always be in the back of everyone’s mind, but it’s no one’s fault but my own.

The only thing I’m thinking is I need to bring her body temperature down… and quick. Scooping Kate up in my arms, I head for the bathroom. There’s a commotion downstairs, multiple male voices shouting, with Gamma Earnest being the loudest. I really don’t blame his anger. I have not always had Kate’s best interest at heart, and I’ve done some real shitty things to his daughter. But now, she is the only one who is important.

In the bathroom, I turn a cold shower on and lay down in the tub, with Kate on top of me. She gasps as the cold water hits her flesh.

“I’m sorry, love, but we have to get your body temperature down.” I rub her face and arms with my hands and soon she relaxes in my arms, allowing the cold water to do its magic.

“Thank you, Ian.” She rolls on to her side and looks up at me. “I’m feeling better.” She coos and rubs her hands along my arm and up the sleeve of my tee shirt. “Did you know that I’m an arm girl?” She giggles, as Kate’s mom, Gamma Earnest, Zane, and Kelsey rush into the bathroom.

“Earnest, stop.” Kate’s mom shouts. I do my best to not focus on the chaos at the door. If I have to, I will fight Kate’s father right here and right now to protect my mate.

“Move!” Luna Martha commands. She uses her Luna tone to gain everyone’s attention, commanding them to follow orders. Whenever she uses this tone, Alpha is never too far away.

“Kate, sweetheart.” She kneels beside the tub and runs her hand across Kate’s forehead. “Look at me, please.” Kate does as she’s told, and Luna Martha looks into her eyes and mouth. She watches as Kate coos in my arms and takes notice of her hand up my sleeve. She smiles sweetly and rubs her cheek. “Better now that you’re in your mate’s arms?”

“Mine,” Kate nods her head, then rolls back onto her side, tucking her head back into my chest.

“Yes, he is, sweetheart.” She stands, turning the shower off. “Ian, you’ll need to get your mate to the fishing cabin. Gamma Earnest, please see they are guarded bymatedwarriors.” I lie still with my mate on my chest, not quite understanding why Luna told me to take Kate to the fishing cabin.

“What’s going on, Martha?” Kate’s mom asks casually, which is rarely done in public, but she is not asking her Luna a question, she is asking her friend and confidant.

“Honey, she’s in heat.” Luna Martha replies.

“What?” Kate’s mom sounds shocked. “I’ve been in heat multiple times, and I’ve never had an experience like this.”

“Neither have I, but I assure you that Kate is in heat. Our heats have never gotten like this, because our mates have always been right there to… to… take care of the situation.” Luna Martha replies, and Kate giggles.