Page 16 of Blood and Honor

“Sounds perfect.”

“I’ll set up a meeting so you can meet him for yourself, and you can make your decision.”

“Sounds good.” I nodded. “Thank you, Nate. I can see that you’ve put a lot of work into this in my absence.” I bit my lower lip. “I’m sorry I was out of commission—”

“Do not be sorry for anything,” he cut me off, a fierceness prominent in his eyes. Nate’s phone made a noise and he pulled it out of his pocket but looked up at me before answering it. “Do you want to stay here, or would you want me to take you home?”

“If you got something to do, go do it.” I shrugged. “I’m good here.”

“Oh-kay….” Nate glanced around, afraid of letting me out of his sight.

“I got my gun. Lock the door on your way out.” I clamped my hand on his shoulder as I looked into his eyes. “Trust me. I’ll be okay.”

He nodded, but his uneasiness about leaving me here alone was written all over his face. He looked down at his phone again and then back up at me. “Alright but I’ll be right back.” He rushed out of the room.

I leaned back in my chair as I heard the front door close and the lock turn. I had so much work to do and so much that I still needed to figure out. I slipped off my suit coat and hung it on the back of my chair. When I sat down, I opened the drawers and smiled. “Thank you, Nate.” Everything I needed was already in the desk. I took out a pen and a note pad and got to work.

Giving members a silver coin was an idea that I had been turning around in my head for weeks. I liked it so I wrote it down. I divided the paper in half and put my ideas for the club on one side. On the other side, I wrote what I still needed in terms of decorations. The floor in my office needed a red rug and I needed to sort through all the sex toys. We had to figure out what else needed to be ordered.

We needed stationary and a stamp for the club, and I needed to figure out invitations. I wanted the invitations to be alluring but mysterious. Branded. Maybe I should work with a decorator or a party planner. I wondered if there was a party planner who catered to sex parties. Probably not but it was possible. I chuckled at the thought.

I was writing my list when I heard the front door open and close. I pulled out my weapon, held it in front of me, and made my way slowly out of my office and down the hallway.

“It’s just me, Addie!” Nate’s voice floated down the hall and my body relaxed. He eased the door open, holding up his hands. “Don’t shoot me… please.”

“I’m not.” I breathed a sigh of relief as he stepped into the room. I lifted the hem of my dress and holstered my gun on my upper thigh.

Nate chuckled as he cautiously stepped into the room. “I need you to take a look at these.” He placed a manilla envelope on my desk. I opened it and then turned it upside down. Pictures slid out of the envelope and scattered all over the desk.

“You got the pictures.” My heart turned to ice.

“Yeah, these are all of the known members of the gang.”


I gathered them and looked through each one, slowly taking in each face. Each facial feature. Their hair, the shape of their nose. The cut of their jaw. I remembered everything about the men from that night. I made sure to memorize each one. I quickly flipped through the pictures until I found them.

Hank, Sean, Lenny, Brandon, and Jake. I picked the pictures out and set them in front of Nate. “These are the guys.”

“Okay.” He flipped through the pictures slowly, clenching his jaw. “I’ll get the word out and we’ll find them. Now, what are we going to do with them when we find them?”

“Not ‘we.’ I plan on killing them personally.” I looked straight into his eyes. “But first, I plan to make them pay.”

Nate chuckled. “I meant, where are we going to put them when we catch them? We have an old factory that’ll be good.” He nodded, thinking. “Are you planning on killing them all at once?”

“Oh no, I’m going to take my time with them. One by one.” A sly smile spread across my face. “They’re going to listen to the screams of the others before it’s their turn… and I’m saving Lenny for last.”

Nate smiled. “Alrighty then. I’ll get right on this.” He tilted his head to the side. “You want to go home?”

“What do you think about having a party?”

He blinked and then looked around the room. “Here?”

“No, at the house.” I let out a deep breath. “I was thinking about having a party for the wives and girlfriends of the men in the family. I’d like to involve the women more. They’re a resource that we aren’t currently using.”

His eyes nearly bugged out of his head. “You want to invite their wives to a dinner party?”

“More like a luncheon.” I shrugged. “Or brunch.”