Page 17 of Blood and Honor

Nate bit his lip. It was what he always did when he wanted to say something, but was holding back.

“Say it. It’s not a good idea?”

“I mean. It may be a good idea.” He let out a deep breath. “Get the women together and talk. Befriend them. It might get their husbands to be a little nicer to you.”

“That’s not why I’m doing it. You don’t get it.” I sighed. “I want to get to know the women and understand them better. This business caters to men and only men. I want to know if they need anything, discover their talents, find out if they’d like to be a part of the business. I want to—”

“You want to make a female led mafia?” Nate was trying to understand, but was more confused than ever.

I shook my head. “I just want to make sure that all members of the family are represented.” I shrugged. “I’m sure we have talented women, and we don’t even know it.”

“I get it,” he replied, “and it wouldn’t work.”

“Why not?” I mean, it wasn’t really on my mind. An all-female led mafia was unheard of. It would be cool, though.

“You would have to kill all the men in the top positions, and you would have to do it in front of the rest. That would be pretty harsh and probably wouldn’t go well with the other families. I mean, I’m down as long as you don’t kill me and Joe.”

I laughed, shaking my head. “Nate, I’m not planning on killing anyone in the family. There’s no reason why the Kingsley Crime Family can’t be co-ed, if that’s what the women want.” I shrugged. “If they want to stay at home, take care of the kids, and don’t want to know anything about the business, then so be it. I’m not forcing anyone. However, if there are women in our family like me, then they will want to become more active. Everyone in their current positions now will keep them, though. I’m not replacing anyone. But we need the talents of both the men and the women. It’ll make us stronger. And the women will feel more invested, too.”

“I’m just saying….” He smirked, the wheels turning. “If you wanted to kill a few members and then replace them with women that were qualified for their jobs, that would be something different.”

“What? How?” I scoffed. “I would still be killing members of the family!”

“True.” He moved his head from side to side. “You’d need a good reason. A legitimate reason.”

“This isn’t happening.” I started to walk away when he stopped me.

Nate chuckled. “Of course not. This was just a hypothetical conversation, after all.”

I turned to face him and stared, unable to believe where this conversation had led. “Nate, I thought you were loyal to the family.”

He looked me square in the eye. “I’m loyal to your father. And when he dies, I’m loyal to you.”

Chapter 7


The weeks went by, and I spent them decorating my office and putting the finishing touches on the Club. The colors for the Club were silver, black, and royal blue. Black marble floors, silver walls and blue accents throughout. Glass partitions added class and ambiance, and everything was high end. My office which was done in silver, black, and red, but there were no glass partitions where people could hide. Since the attack, I was much more conscious of my surroundings and left nothing to chance.

I walked through the club, looking at everything. I was satisfied with how the lounge area and the bar looked, so that was done. Then I walked through the individual rooms. Each room had its own bathroom. There was a queen-sized bed, a chest full of toys, costumes, and lube. A disposal basket was on the side for used toys. Then maids would come in to clean and sanitize each room after use

Also, I had the builders place a bright red button on the wall. That way, if there was someone in a room that needed help, felt uncomfortable, or something bad happened, they could press the button and help would come. Everything that went on in this club would be consensual, or the perpetrator would pay the ultimate price.

I wanted everyone, men and women, to feel safe and relaxed when they walked into the Club. I didn’t want them to ever have to worry about their safety or feel like they had to do things they didn’t want to do.

The basement, we called the dungeons. The rooms had more of a BDSM feel and catered to all kinds of kinks and fetishes, except for the more extreme ones. There wouldn’t be any needle play, killing, or rape.

Nate found men and women that were doms and subs to work the basement. When requested, they could take people down there and do what they agreed on in one of the rooms. I thought this was the best way to ensure that no one was forced to do anything they weren’t comfortable with. People who were into BDSM could be with like-minded people and not try to coax someone else into it. That way, everyone would be protected.

Sometimes, people say they like whips and chains until they were put in that position, then things could change.

When I finished my walkthrough, I went back to my office. I still needed to work on the invitations. They were a metallic blue with Guided Cage on the front with the letters GC and placed inside a black envelope. Each one was handwritten by a calligrapher, inviting certain people to come to our opening night.

Fear coiled in my stomach every time I thought about opening the Club. What if no one showed up? What if we sent out the invitations and only the family walks through the doors? It would be so embarrassing. Humiliating. And it would give the family another reason not to trust me. Or like me, even.

I sighed. My plan was to have an opening night and invite certain people to see all the club has to offer. Then if they wanted to come back, they would have to become a patron.

Give them a little taste so they’ll want more. At least that was the plan. Nate was in charge of getting the coins because he knew everyone and had a man for everything. To keep the Club exclusive, we would make the coins in small batches every few months, and the maker would be kept private knowledge, too. We’d have the maker sign a Nondisclosure Agreement, too. That way, no one could have some made without our knowledge and pass them out.