I was thankful that no one was downstairs when I got home. I didn’t feel like explaining my blood-soaked clothes to my father or Martha. She’d literally have a heart attack if she had seen me before I rinsed off.
I jumped in the shower before I touched anything. I had to rinse my tub out several times before I could leave my bathroom. I didn’t want the housekeeper to walk into my bathroom and think that I had killed someone in my tub. Once I had gotten the reddish pink streaks out the tub, I crawled into bed. I didn’t know which ones felt heavier, my eyes or my arms. My arms were sore and my back hurt, but I didn’t care.
And to tell you the truth, that night, I slept like a baby.
The next night after spending time at the club, I went back to the factory for Jake. I felt like the grim reaper leading men to their deaths. Jake was removed from the room and given some water to drink. Was it wrong to drug Jake? Sure. Did I feel bad about doing it? No, not really.
There was a metal tub next to the table and I pointed to it. Jake glanced back at the tub, then at me, then back at the tub. He wore a white tank top that was more brown than white and gray sweats. He kicked off his shoes and got in the tub.
“What are you going to do?” His voice was shaky, matching his hands and the rest of his body.
“You don’t want to know.”
Tears welled in his eyes, and he took a deep breath. After finishing the water, he set the bottle on the floor next to the tub. I watched as his body eased back, and his head hit the back of the tub. His eyes darted back and forth, from one wall to the other. But his body didn’t move.
I opened the door and whistled. A few moments later, Nate came into the room carrying a gallon jug. “Using acid again?”
I shrugged.
“There’s four more. I’ll be right back.” Nate came back with the two men from the night before, carrying more acid. Of the two men, only one of them was bald-headed with light brown eyes.
“He dead already?” the bald man asked.
“No. His eyes are still moving.”
“So, he can still hear and see?”
“He just can’t move,” I answered.
“You roofied him?” asked Nate.
I nodded.
“Why?” asked the bald man.
I pulled on a pair of gloves and took one of the gallons of acid and opened it. “This.”
I poured the acid into the tub. All three of the men behind me stepped back. “I thought it would be better if he could feel his body steeping in acid, but was completely unable to move. Unable to scream. But he could still feel everything.”
I looked back at the three men, who took another step toward the door. “You guys can leave now.” I didn’t have to tell them twice. They practically raced out of the room and slammed the door behind them.
I poured the rest of the acid into the tub. It was nice to not be soaked in blood this time. Refreshing, given the last couple of days. I watched as the liquid bubbled around him. The longer he sat in the tub, the more his body slid forward. More and more of him was disappearing under the acid until all I could see were his eyes.
His eyes rolled back in his head. I didn’t know if he was already dead or not, but he was on his way. The acid in the tub started changing color. It was more pinkish-red then anything. Jake’s head was just below the liquid.
That was anticlimactic. I stared down at the tub filled with the reddish acid. Nothing else was left. He was dead and I guess it still counted but, I didn’t even get to hear him scream. Not even once. I didn’t know what I was hoping for. or what I wanted. Maybe I wanted to hear him scream, hear him beg me not to do it. Maybe I wanted to see his face twist in fear and pain.
Whatever it was, something was missing. It didn’t have the same satisfying effect as killing Brandon, Sean, and Hank.
But I still had one more to go.
Chapter 12
Lenny. His name was Lenny, and he was a smug piece of shit. He was cuffed to the table like all the rest, desperately trying to hide his fear. But the eyes were the windows to the soul, as they said, and his soul was scared shitless.
It wasn’t surprising. Of course, he was afraid. He had watched all the men go before him. Listened to their screams and pleas for help. The lies they told, trying to bargain.