Page 31 of Blood and Honor

“Well, I got to get going. I got a meeting. But I’ll see you soon.” He downed the rest of his drink and set the glass on my desk. “I want to hear all about your… escapades… when you’re done.” Translation: he wanted to know what I did to the other three men.

“I’ll walk you out.” He let me go ahead, and the conversation was light as he headed to the door. His men were waiting outside for him, and he left after we said our last goodbyes.

I didn’t think Lucian was afraid of me, but I couldn’t help but notice how quickly he had to leave once I told him about the acid.

Chapter 11


After Hank, there was Sean. And after Sean there was Jake. And after Jake there was Brandon. After I killed Hank with acid, I wanted to try something different. Something that had been on my mind for a while.

I wanted to see how many of Sean’s limbs I could remove before he died. Why that interested me, I couldn’t say. I vaguely remembered having a dream of shadows and taking each one into a room and killing them in different ways.

Sean looked like one of those shadows. I started with his right foot. The bone splintered and cracked when I brought the ax down. His scream was deafening. It seemed to bounce off the walls and surround me. And the screams kept coming.

Blood spurted into the air, soaking me and the table. I brought the ax down on his other foot and more blood shot into the air and splattered onto the floor, almost reaching the door. I kicked his foot out of the way as I moved around the table. His hands were next. There was still some blood, but not as much, which told me his heart was still pumping but was getting weak.

Blood was everywhere. My tank top was soaked in blood and pasted to me. More blood spurted into the air and then it stopped. At first, it was like a geyser, gushing from his body like a red waterfall. When I chopped one of his legs off just below the knee, there was a little bit of blood but not as much.

I dropped the ax. His heart stopped or was about to. Since his heart was no longer pumping blood, the blood gushing from his limbs went from a geyser to a drizzle, and then to nothing.

“Well, so much for that.” I didn’t get as far as I had hoped. I wanted to slowly work my way up his legs and his arms until there was nothing left but his torso and his head. But oh well. At least he suffered.

I wiped my hand on the back of my blood-soaked jeans and opened the door. Nate and the two men he brought with him were talking loudly about something I couldn’t make out. But their voices trailed off when they saw me.

“Carrie,” mumbled one of the men.

I sauntered towards the room where the other men were being kept. I wanted to kill Lenny. I mean, those other men raped and beat me, too, and they deserved what I was doing to them, but the ringleader was Lenny. He was the one who gave the order. And he deserved it just as much, maybe more, than they did. I was so ready to kill him. But I had to save him for last.

What I was going to do to him was going to prove a point. I had to wait. I opened the door. Brandon, Jake, and Lenny looked up at me, eyes wide in horror. I heard footsteps running toward the room. I didn’t wait. I didn’t explain what I was doing. I walked up to Brandon, who had scooted so close to the wall it was like he was trying to get inside it. I remembered thinking he was younger than me as I was trying to etch his face into my memory.

Curled up in the corner like this, he looked even younger than he did when he raped me. Now, he looked like a frightened little boy, trying to hide from a parent about to deliver a spanking. He looked scared and small, but I didn’t care.

The crack of his skull beneath the ax cut through the silence of the room. The ax handle vibrated as the bones in his head broke and shattered. Blood sprayed into the air around us.

I pulled the ax out and his body crumpled to the ground. I brought the ax down again and again. Bones crunched beneath the weight of the ax. Blood sprayed in every direction. I don’t know how many times I hit him. I lost count of the times I felt or heard the cracks of his bones or how many times I saw brain matter fly against the wall he had been trying to crawl into.

I stopped because my arms were heavy. I couldn’t lift the ax anymore. My fingers were slick with blood. And I was covered in brain matter, and pieces of bones. I looked down at what was left of Brandon. The pile of tissue, flesh, and bone fragments no longer resembled a human.

I spun around and Jake jumped up. I don’t think he meant to do it. I think it was instinct, his legs finally telling him to run, his body screaming at him to get away.

But it didn’t matter. Nate and the two men were at the door now, watching.

“Damn, Addie.” Nate’s voice was barely above a whisper.

“Please!” Jake begged.

“I’m not killing you tonight, Jake. You can take a breath.”

The room was covered in blood. Not as much as the other one that housed Sean, but it was a close second. I walked over to the door and handed the ax to Nate. “Three down, two to go.”

Lenny didn’t say a thing. He didn’t scream or protest. Jake was clearly bothered by what happened, but Lenny acted like he was made of stone. Like he was resolved to meet his fate without tears, without begging, and without remorse.

Nate wouldn’t allow me to get into his car. So, I went out back as my men stepped aside, flipped on the water hose, and rinsed off the best I could. When I was partially dry, I turned to Nate. “Let’s go.”

It was going to be interesting getting in the shower and trying to wash off the rest of the blood. Nate got some towels and blankets out of his trunk and placed them on the seat. Only then would he let me sit down.

Understandable, but I still wanted to take my dry bloodied fingers and wipe them on his seats. I chuckled at the thought. But I behaved myself… this time.