Bubba: When?

Jake: Tomorrow.

Archie: Good luck.


Bubba: She may not want to go.

Coop: And you can’t make her.

Jake: Not losing her.

Not after all this time.

Archie: Finally, you’re speaking my language.

Coop: One other thing.


Jake: He was a no show.

Coop: He was there.

Jake: ?????

Archie: WTF

Coop: Note on her car. He saw she was sad.

So he gave her space. He said she’d hear

From him soon.

Bubba: …

Coop: On the upside, waiting for him meant

she stuck around long enough for us to

to talk to her.

Jake: On the downside, there’s

some loser after our girl.

Archie: Key words there: our girl.

Chapter Four

Like Mother…

I'd had exactly one hangover in my life. On the one hand, I was aware my life hadn’t been that long, but on the other hand, that single hangover was a miserable experience. The guys had gotten several boxes of wine, and while Archie complained about the quality, we all gave it a shot. I'm pretty sure I drank my body weight that day.

However, the biggest thing I remembered about drinking that wine was how exceptionally crappy I’d felt the next morning. I knew, logically, hangovers were about dehydration. Knowing and experiencing, however, were two totally different things.

When I woke up the Sunday morning after the party, my head pounded, my stomach churned, my mouth tasted like ass, and I felt like crap. There was no way thesingleglass of wine and that third of a bottle of beer that I had drunk had caused me a hangover. No, if anything, I’d been stone cold sober by the time I left with Ian. I’d definitely been stone cold sober while I was talking to the guys in text messages before I went to sleep.