We don’t talk about

Frankie like this.

Coop: We’re not starting it.

Archie: Too late.

Bubba: ...

Jake: Guys...

Coop: Really not helping.

Bubba: Look, we said us.

Fine. But you told her about

your plans after sex. You…

Archie: Should have done what? Told her first?

Jake: Maybe.

Archie: Well, let’s see. Jake, did you

bring it up at your slumber party?

Coop: You know what.

It’s done. Now we

have to FIX it.

Bubba: She knows about her mom too.

Jake: Yeah. Don’t know

how to fix that one.

Archie: We can’t. This is Edward’s thing.

The problem is when he dumps

her mom.

Jake: One way of looking at it.

Coop: Cause that helps

Jake: She texted. That’s something.

Coop: Yeah. I’ll try to see her


Bubba: Don’t. She needs space.

Jake: She and I have a date.