"I have asked Elsa to be my wife," I declare.

Karma gasps.

Theresa breaks into a smile.

Luca stares at me aghast, while Michael’s lips twist into a smile.

Aurora’s forehead creases and she narrows her gaze on Elsa. "And what was your answer, Elsa?"

She shuffles her feet. The silence in the room grows.

"Yes, I’d like to know that, too." Karma turns to her.

Theresa’s brow furrows; she watches Elsa with an anxious look on her face.

Everyone’s attention is directed toward Elsa, who doesn’t reply. The tension radiates off of her.

I release her and turn to face her. I raise an eyebrow. "So, are you planning to tell them what your answer was?"



Why is he doing this? I thought we had an understanding. That we’d go off and get married quietly, and only then, announce it to the family. Maybe I should have been clearer in my communication with him. But I had been so overwhelmed by the events of the past few days—first, Nonna’s passing; then, him asking me to marry him; then, the altercation with Fabio, which still has me shaken.

If not for the fact that I believed him when he said he’d ensure I don’t lose access to my daughter, I wouldn’t be here today. And of course, I had promised to attend the funeral with him this morning. And seeing him silently grieving for his grandmother had melted my heart. I’m glad I’m here by his side to support him and comfort him. I really don’t understand why I feel so moved by his emotions, or why I feel compelled, even now, to stay with him. I mean, I could simply walk out, and given his entire family is here, I don’t think he’d try to stop me. I could go back to my job at Theresa’s florist shop, and figure out how to tackle Fabio.

And the bastard would continue to ride roughshod over me. He plans to make sure I lose all rights to my daughter. There’s no way I can take on Fabio on my own, especially not in Italy, where he has the police force behind him, and no doubt, far-reaching influence within the legal system. No, I need Seb’s help in this. I need access to the power and influence he has. If there’s anyone who can take on Fabio, and ensure that my daughter is restored to me, it’s Seb. And if Seb fails—and let’s face it, there's a chance he might—I need to ensure that I don't burn my bridges with Fabio completely, so I’ll have a chance at changing his mind.

"Elsa," Theresa interjects, “are you okay? You don’t have to agree to marry him, if you don’t want to. You know I’m here to help you. Axel and I will make sure that you and your daughter are taken care of. You don’t have to feel compelled to marry him."

I glance at her, then at Seb, who’s watching me closely. He slides his hand inside his pocket, his entire demeanor casual. Only the ticking of his jaw indicates that he’s tense. That, and his shoulder muscles that are bunched under his shirt. His biceps strain the sleeves of his jacket as he trains his gaze on me.

"Elsa," Karma says softly, "you don’t have to do this."

"You’re right. I don’t have to..." I pause long enough for Seb’s entire body to stiffen. Tension vibrates off of him. "But I want to." I turn to him. "I want to marry you."

The tension in his body seems to dissipate, though his facial expression remains unchanged. Then, he closes the distance between us, dips his head, and presses his lips to mine. It’s a hard kiss, a punishing kiss, a kiss that hints at the power inherent in his body. A kiss that reminds me that I need him. A kiss that he softens before coaxing me to part my lips. A moan shivers up my throat. He swallows it, then wraps his arm around my shoulders and pulls me to him. He slides his tongue in between my lips, and a shudder grips me. He deepens the kiss, and heat flushes my skin. Then, just like that, he pulls back, brushes his lips over mine, and steps back. The sound of clapping cuts through my lust-addled brain.

"You move fast, don’t you?" Massimo slaps his back with an audible thump.

Theresa walks over to me and holds her arms wide.

I glance at Seb, who presses another kiss to my lips before murmuring, "We’ll talk about this later."

He steps back, and Theresa envelops me in a hug. "Are you sure?" she whispers. "He isn’t putting pressure on you or anything, is he?"

I shake my head, "No." I press my cheek to hers. "I’m sure. I want to be with him."

"Do you love him?" she whispers back. "I didn’t even know you two knew each other that well."

"You don’t need to know someone well to be sure they’re the right person for you, and Seb is the right person for me. He’s the only person for me."

She leans back and peers into my features. She must see something there, for she nods. A relieved smile spreads across her face. "Oh, my god, I’m so happy for you, I can’t even tell you. The Sovrano men are tough, but they’re all gooey inside, once you get to know them better. Getting them to open up can be a challenge, but if anyone can do it, it’s you. And we’re going to be sisters! Can you believe that?" She throws her arms around me and hugs me again. Karma moves in to join us and hugs the both of us. Out of the corner of my eye, I spot Michael walking over to congratulate Seb, followed by Christian and Axel. Aurora comes over to join us.

Something rough touches my foot. I step back from Theresa to find a cat licking my feet.

"What the—"