Elsa swallows. Then, as if hearing my unspoken command, she walks in my direction. She reaches my side, and I take her hand in mine.

I look around the group and realize all of my brothers, and their spouses, are here.

"As you all know, Nonna didn’t want to have a wake; she wanted to be directly buried. Much as she sought the limelight in life, in death, she wanted to be allowed to leave with little fanfare. Still, it feels wrong not to say a few words to celebrate her life." Michael glances down at his drink, then back at us. "Some people leave a void so big, it will never be filled. Nonna was one of those people." He takes a deep breath, then leans forward on the balls of his feet. "When I was a child, she was the biggest influence on me, more than our father—thank god—or our mother, who was too gentle. When I hesitated to take my place as Don after killing our father, she’s the one who told me not to question my birthright. She was reluctant to step in when our father physically beat us and our mother, and she always regretted that she didn’t act earlier. She told me not to think twice, but to follow my instincts. That future generations would thank me."

He draws in a breath and Karma touches his shoulder in empathy. He smiles down at her, his expression brightening.

"She's the one who told me I’d be a fool not to recognize what a rare find my wife was. That, although I may have started our relationship on the wrong footing—which is putting it mildly—" a titter runs through the assembled crowd, "it was never too late to fix things. She warned me I’d be a fool if I didn’t find a way to keep her happy."

His lips kick up.

“Believe me, I followed her advice and I’ve never regretted it. I credit my return to the human race to my wife, and in no small measure, to my grandmother, as well."

He glances down into his glass, then raises his head. "In losing her, I’ve lost a piece of myself." His voice wavers, ever so slightly. "As Don of theCosa Nostra, there aren’t many people I can go to for advice. She was one of them."

"You do know you can discuss things with us, don’t you? As your second in command, I’m here to be your sounding board." I lean forward on the balls of my feet.

“I appreciate that." A ghost of a smile curves his lips.

"She will be missed." I shift my weight from foot to foot. "She was not only our grandmother, but also our protector. There was a certain strength to her that I’ve never seen in anyone else, and probably never will see again. We owe our lives to her."

"She never put up with my mule-headedness. She never took shit from me." Luca rubs the back of his neck. "That woman knew how to put me in my place."

We all laugh.

"Amen to that." Massimo widens his stance. "Not that she didn’t have her faults. She never could understand Xander’s need to explore his sexuality—something he mentioned to me in passing—even as she encouraged his need to pursue his muse. I think she was the only one who understood how important it was for our brother to follow his creative calling. Something he was eternally grateful to her for. As for me?" He rolls his shoulders. "She always told me to use my strength wisely. There are two types of men: those who abuse, and those who protect. Our father was among the first; she insisted I strive to be the second."

"I only knew her briefly." Axel brings his whiskey glass to his lips and takes a sip. "I admit, I was very angry with her for not pushing our father to do the right thing by me and my mother. But I’m glad I forgave her and made my peace with her."

"She appreciated it." Michael tilts his head. "She also wanted us to make amends with theCamorra.They are, after all, your family."

"They are no family of mine. They may have taken my mother in when she needed help, but they didn’t treat her right. It’s why she decided to leave and make her own way." Axel frowns.

"No doubt, it’s something we need to discuss moving forward," Michael acknowledges. He raises his glass, and says loudly, "To Nonna, see you on the other side."

"To Nonna."

All of us raise our glasses.

Michael takes a sip of his whiskey. "Since we’re all gathered here in Nonna’s home today, and we all heard a certain promise someone made to her..." He turns to me. "Something you want to tell us Seb?"

"I’m not sure what you mean," I say slowly.

"Don’t pull that on me," he replies in a mild voice.


He glances at Elsa, then at me. Of course, nothing gets past my oldest brother. He didn’t become the Don without reason.

"I had hoped to get a little more time before sharing with thefamiglia,but now that you mention it," I widen my stance, "perhaps it’s time to share my announcement."

Next to me, Elsa stiffens. "What are you doing?" she whisper-screams.

"Nonna’s last words to me were that she wanted to see me married within the next month. Even in death, it seems, she can’t stop herself from manipulating my life." I chuckle.

Smiles break out on everyone’s faces.

Elsa begins to pull away from me, but I wrap my arm around her waist, and pull her into my side. Karma’s gaze widens as she glances between us.