Page 43 of Wild Horses

Skye’s phone buzzes. She freaks out when she looks at the screen. “It’s Parker.”

There are only two reasons Parker would call her. She sold one of her paintings or she heard something from her sister at the gallery. Either way, it’s killing me that I can’t share in her excitement. Help calm her down enough to answer it without blowing out Parker’s eardrum.

Maybe I should. What’s anyone going to do about us being together? There’s nothing wrong with it. Anymore. And I’m in. One hundred fucking percent in this for the long haul with her.

I’m halfway through my first step toward her when she answers. I stop when she curses and says, panicked and shaking, “It cut out. Fucking connection cut out.” She’s on the verge of tears and all I want to do is take her in my arms and tell her it’s going to be okay. But Penny and Maya already have her. They help her to the wagon.

“What are you waiting for? Get to driving,” Maya shouts at me.

Loaded up and on our way back to the barn, Skye screams, “Can’t this thing go any faster?”

I do my best not to laugh. She’s gone through a gambit of emotions and her getting angry at the tractor is just fucking adorable.

“Parker? Can you hear me?” Skye says when the barn comes into view.

Skye keeps talking but I can’t hear her anymore. The reception is better. She’s not screaming now.

I pull the tractor into the barn. When I walk to the wagon to help Skye down, she releases the bear hug she has on Maya and jumps into my arms. My eyes immediately land on Maya. Her expression is undoubtedly confused but not knowing. I cover by pulling the same confused face. Like I have no idea why Skye’s hugging me.

“One of my paintings sold!”

“That’s awesome,” I say holding her tight as I spin her around to set her feet on the ground. And I take my chance while Penny and Maya are busy climbing off the wagon to add, “I’m so fucking proud of you, city girl. Told you not to worry, didn’t I?”

“You did,” she whispers before backing away. Putting a safe distance between us.

All I want to do is pull her back in and kiss the hell out of her.

I knew tourists would go nuts for her paintings. They’re a little abstract for the locals but they capture the feel of this place better than any literal image of a lakeside sunset or barn by a corn field. You can take pictures for that. When you leave Towering Pines and Pine Lake, you want to take the feeling you had with you. Skye’s paintings let you do that.

Hell, Skye does that. She carries the feeling of home with her. I’m losing mine but somehow, when I’m with her it’s not so bad. As long as I’m with her, that’s home enough for me.

My heart aches with the need to tell her but I can’t get that deep in front of my sister. It has nothing to do with keeping our relationship a secret. My sister isn’t exactly subtle. She speaks her mind without pause. The second I open my mouth, she’d have a million questions and opinions. I don’t want her ruining that moment for us. So, I’ll save it for later.

“You gonna celebrate?” I ask her. My way of letting her know I won’t be hurt if I’m not included.

Not totally true but not a lie either. She deserves to celebrate and I won’t let my insecurities keep her from it.

Skye blushes. “Well… We were going to run into town to get a cupcake and coffee and pick up my payment. You wanna come with—?”

“Nah. I gotta get some stuff done here. The realtor gave us a list of things to do before the auction.”

“Oh.” Skye looks over her shoulder. “Maya if you need to stay—.”

“Nope. I’m good. Already finished my list. Let’s go,” Maya says taking Skye’s hand to drag her out of the barn with Penny tagging along behind.

Watching Skye scurry off with my sister to chase her dreams, I wonder if I should tell her how I really feel. That I don’t just like her. I’m falling in love with her. What if telling her I love her starts her thinking she shouldn’t leave if she gets that gallery showing? I can’t risk her getting the idea I’m too clingy and wanting to break up because she thinks that’s the only way I’ll let her go. As much as I’d love for her to stay, she needs to go.

“See ya at the bonfire,” Skye calls back to me. Dropping her chin to look at me through her lashes, she pulls the corner of her bottom lip between her teeth for a second. It’s so effortless, I don’t think she even realizes just how fucking beautiful she is.

“Wild horses, city girl.” Nothing will keep me from spending every chance I can get with her. Maybe it’s not the right time to tell her I love her but I’m done spending my time with her in the shadows. Skye deserves her time in the sun. For everyone to know what she’s worth. That’s going to start with me showing her exactly how much she means to me.



Mystomachchurnswithguilt as I walk into Parker’s Place with Maya and Penny. I’m glad they’re here. That I have someone to share my excitement with but it shouldn’t be them. It should be Theron. I hated leaving him behind. I never would have gone through with my deal with Parker if he hadn’t encouraged me. As far as I’m concerned, this is as much his win as it is mine.

I think it’s because he’s not here that the moment just sort of washes over me. I thank Parker, of course. But after that, I kind of lose sight of the conversation. Until she says, “I haven’t heard from Mina. Did you send her your portfolio?”