Page 42 of Wild Horses

“Something happened didn’t it?” Penny asks while Maya is distracted trying to get the sick goat to take his medicine.

“What do you mean?”

“You and Theron?” She says quieter but more urgently.

So, I guess we weren’t as covert in our glances after all. To be honest, I’d completely forgotten I’d told Penny about my crush on Theron. Whoops. But to be fair, I honestly never thought anything would come of it.

“Don’t tell Maya. Please.”

“Holy shit. Did you two…?” Penny smirks and pumps her eyebrows suggestively.

“Oh, grow up, Penny. Yes. We’ve had sex. A lot, actually.”

“Was it amazing?”

I smile getting ready to tell her everything because I’m dying to talk to someone about how amazing Theron is when Maya cuts me short, “What are you two hens cluckin’ about?”

“Taking bets on which of your eyes he’s going to kick first,” I say.

Maya groans. “It’s not usually this difficult. But I really shouldn’t have expected anything different from one of Chip’s kids.”

As soon as Maya goes back to fighting with the goat, Penny says, “We’ll talk about this later. I want to know everything.”

“Okay,” I say, feeling kind of weird about talking to her now.

Penny sighs. “I just figure since I’m never going to experience it first hand, maybe you’d let me live vicariously through you a bit.”

“Oh, Penny. It’s gonna happen for you. Maybe not with Boone but someone.”

“I don’t want to be with anyone else,” Penny says in a way that just breaks my heart and makes me wish I knew how to comfort her.

That’s never been my forte. Didn’t exactly grow up with the best example of how to be caring or comforting. Come to think of it, poor Theron is probably in for a rude awakening the next time he gets sick. I don’t have the best bedside manner. Or any, for that matter. I don’t even like taking care of myself when I’m sick.

The sick goat is a different story. Maybe I’ll just pretend he’s a farm animal. Hide his medicine in his food and make him sleep in the barn until he’s better.

Theron catches my eye across the barn while I’m imagining that scenario, biting my lips together to keep from laughing. His face scrunches, confused when the laugh finally breaks loose.

“Fuck,” Maya blurts when the goat kicks and she loses her grip on him and he runs away.

Arresting my laughter, I apologize for distracting her.

“It’s okay. He got enough.”

“So, what now?” I ask. It must have been loud enough for Theron to hear because he jumps right in and asks, “You girls wanna come with me to check on the cows? We’ll take ‘em some corn and you can see if you can get one to eat out of your hand.”

“They won’t,” Penny says like she’s been down this road before.

Maya takes my hand and drags me across the barn. “But I’d love to see you try.”

“Come on, then,” Theron says with a big goofy grin. I know he’s just as excited as I am to have an excuse to spend any time we can together. “Help me hitch up the wagon.”



Wegoouttothe cow field. Skye tries to hand feed ears of corn to the cows but they’re not having it.

“We should go over to Ash’s sometime. His cows will let you ride them,” Maya says.