Me: I just don't want to get his hopes up. If there's hopes for him to get up.

Sarah: Trust me when I say, there are.

Chapter twenty



I wake up to my morning text from Troy. He may be in mountain time, but he always texts me before I wake up.

Me: Good morning. I hope you have a good day.

Troy: I plan on it.

Me: Good

Troy: I hope your day is amazing, also.

Me: I hope so, too.

It's been two weeks since I submitted my resume for the manager position. Sarah says that everything moves slower there so it could be another week before I hear anything.

I'm done waiting. It's driving me bananas. I decided yesterday morning that I'm leaving. I booked a flight for tonight, so I have a lot to do before then.

I text my mom and dad to let them know of what my plan is. Ask Sophia if she wants to live in my apartment while I'm away. She lives in my parents’ basement right now, so she has no issue house sitting.

I haven't told anyone else. I want to surprise Sarah and then Troy. I know they all have keys to each other’s houses so I am hoping Chris will give me Troy’s, and I can surprise him after work in something a little risqué.

I ordered a couple of pieces after I submitted my application. I may have already sent pictures to Troy of one of them, but it was just a little baby doll outfit. The other one is a little more strappy and revealing.

I tuck it down into my suitcase just in case they need to open it at the airport so it won’t be seen. I turn some music on to keep my momentum going while I finish packing my suitcase. I don't know how long I will be there, so I'm not sure how much to pack. I'll bring enough for two weeks. I can always do laundry.

I dance around my apartment afterwards, getting it cleaned up for Sophia and for my peace of mind. My phone rings from the kitchen so I shuffle in there and slide the rest of the way in my socks. Letting out a giggle, I almost fall on my butt.

"Hello," I say.

"Hi, honey. I just wanted to check in with you. See if there is anything you need me to do," my mom says.

"I don't think so. I'm just trying to stay busy."

"Good. Well, I am very excited for you and can't wait to hear how it all goes."

"Thanks, Mom. I love you."

"I love you, too. Have fun."

We hang up, and I go about the day. I make a trip to the grocery store to fill the fridge for Sophia and to grab myself some plane ride snacks. By the time I am done with everything, I have just enough time to call an Uber. They usually don't take long to get here because I live in a popular part of town. It always seems like there is someone coming or going from the complex.

I put my request in, then grab my luggage, carry-on bag, and purse. I take a deep breath reminding myself that this is what I want and that I can do it before opening the door and walking out of my apartment for who knows how long.

"Hey there, Chrissy. Where ya headed?" I hear, Jack, my neighbor call out as I pass his door.

"Hey, Jack. I am going to be out of town for a while, but Sophia will be here."

"Sounds good. Have fun. And let Sophia know if there's anything she needs, I am always here."

"Will do, Jack. Bye."