I'm overwhelmed, my head turns to each of them as they speak.

"Hey, hey, now. She can only answer one of you at a time," my dad says. "Go on, Chrissy."

"His name is Troy. I wouldn't say he's a cowboy but definitely a country man. And no, James, you won't have to beat him up. He's a complete gentleman."

"So, what exactly is it that's holding you back, honey?" my mom asks.

"I would miss all of you. And I don't want to disappoint anyone."

"I don't think you have to worry about that. If anyone is going to be a disappointment, it's gonna be Sophia," James says and points his thumb towards her.

"Rude," Sophia says as she elbows him in the ribs.

"Don't worry Soph, I'm sure mom and dad will get an extra room for you," Brittany says.

"I hate you both," Sophia says crossing her arms and sitting back in her chair.

"There's one other thing," I say. They all look at me in waiting.

"Sarah said the bank there is hiring for a new manager."

"Well...did you apply?" my dad asks.

"No. I needed to talk to you all first. But I think I will do it tonight."

"I absolutely think you should. We all support you one hundred percent," my mom tells me.

All my siblings stand at the same time, round the table and center me in a big hug.

"We love you sis," James says.

"We want you to be happy," this from Brittany.

"You can totally bring him to visit us Florida," Sophia says, and we all laugh.

"Thanks guys. I love you too."

AfterIgethome,I open my laptop and take a very deep breath.

"You can do this," I say to myself.

I find the email from Sarah, open the link, fill out the forms and attach my resume. And when I click submit, my shoulders relax.

Me: I did it.

Sarah: Did what?

Me: Applied for the manager position.

Sarah: YES!!!! OMG, I know you will get it. I'll even go put a good word in for you. The ladies at the bank love me.

Me: Do me a favor though?

Sarah: Anything

Me: Don't tell Troy.

Sarah:Ashard as it will be, I won't say a word.