He laughs as if he’s insulted. “Stop what?”

“Watching me. It’s creepy.”

“I just didn’t realize you have such a kind heart. Could have fooled me.”

“My heart is only cold when you’re around.”

“Ouch,” he says.

He turns the four-wheeler on as I climb on, tucking my head and hands against him again.

“Let's get this over with,” I say as he drives us.

Back at the house, he grabs the tuxes while I get my purse, then we climb into his truck. We travel all the way to the tux store in silence. I really have nothing to say to him.

When he parks, I get out to grab the tuxes, but when I pull the back door open, my foot hits ice. Slipping, I go down, hard. My tailbone slamming against the ground and shooting pain up my spine.

“Oh, shit,” I hear Troy say.

Suddenly, he is next to me, giving me his hand.

“Are you okay?”

I look up at him, taking his hand to help myself up. “As if you care.”

“You’re something else,” he says and laughs.

“Pot, meet kettle.” I stand and get my wits about me.

“Whatever,” he says and grabs the tuxes. “I’ll take them in.”

Before I can argue, he is already too far away. I use the truck to stabilize myself and slide on the ice back to the passenger side. Once I am inside, I realize how bad my butt hurts.


Chapter six


I’mnotsurewhyChrissy dislikes me. I know I can come off a little abrasive, and trust me, it’s something I am working on, but she doesn’t seem to want to look past that and give me any second chances.

“I’m here to return these,” I say to the older man behind the counter.

“Just hang them there on that rack.”

He points to a long rack at the rear of the store. I walk back and hang them there.

We still have two more places to go to,ifshe doesn’t want to do anything else. When I get back into the truck, I notice she is sitting sideways, almost on her hip.

“You alright there, killer?”

“Not that it matters to you, but I think I bruised my butt.”

I hold back a laugh. “That sucks.”

“That’s what I get for coming with you. I knew it was a bad idea,” she says.

“But then you wouldn’t get cookie dough.”