That’s where we are going next. The feed store is a couple blocks away, and we will go in the opposite direction, but she needs a pick me up. Walking through the feed store is not that.

She shifts in her seat and harrumphs, crossing her arms

“Don’t worry. A cookie will help that pain,” I tell her.

We drive a couple blocks in silence. I glance at her, and she is still scowling.

“You know. Your face won’t break if you smile.”

“Fucking bite me,” she says.

We pull up to the cookie café, and she is out of the truck before I even unbuckle.

“Wait up, speedy.”

“Why?” She turns watches me as I round the front of the truck.

“I wanted to walk in with you,” I say, giving her a smile.

She rolls her eyes and waits for me to catch up. I open the door for her.

“After you,” I say, then she breezes past me.

We put our orders in and take a seat at one of the little tables.

“So, what does your mom need from the feed store?” she asks.

“She ordered some dewormer for the horses.”

Her face grimaces, and it instantly makes me laugh.

“Not really what I wanted to think about before eating cookie goodness.”

I hold my hands up in defeat. “You asked.”

“Yeah, andyoucould have only said horse supplies.”

“Now, what fun would that have been?”

“Orders for Chrissy and Troy,” the baker from behind the counter’s shouts. I hand the women my card and tells her to put both orders on it.

“Excuse me, no,” Chrissy says.

“No? Why not?” I ask.

She turns to me and pulls her card from her wallet. The woman stands there with my card in her hand, her head going back and forth between us.

“I don’t need you to pay for anything for me,” she tells me.

“I was just trying to be nice. You hurt your butt.” I let a small smirk slide across my face as I hold back a chuckle.

Her cheeks get flushed and she slams her card on the counter.

“I’m paying for my own, thanks.”

“Alright,” I say, grabbing my cookies from the counter.

We pay for our orders then head to the feed store.